Parenting Pep Talk is a weekly series of guest posts all about encouraging other parents by sharing some of our happy moments, the advice that has worked for us and some positive words of encouragement.
Today’s post is from Jade who blogs at The Parenting Jungle. Over to you, Jade!
I am Jade, a multi award nominated Parenting ‘Fifestyle’ (Family & Lifestyle) blogger. My blog is a colourful mishmash of my day-to-day experiences and heartfelt posts from the times where I wished I had another mummy to hit me on the face with a soggy nappy and say, ‘you can get through this, it’s OK if you are wearing yesterday’s pants’. I try to always include tips and offer support to dispel that lingering grey feeling that we are not good enough as parents. If I give advice, remember that I am a novice and every parent is different. Diversity is good; look how successful skittles are.
1) Tell us a little bit about you and your family.
I am a just shy of 30 mummy…I have a very energetic five-year-old called Leo who was named after a ninja turtle and is currently is obsessed with aliens and trying to get his tongue to touch his nose. I raised him solo until a year ago when I moved in with my partner who deals with passenger seat parenting remarkably well, but I think is consequently balding from the stress of living with us.  I am not sure what is more difficult, raising a child alone, whilst working or trying to maintain a successful adult relationship when you have given up shaving your legs. We are an adventurous family that love to be busy, making the most of weekends to entertain three foot of superhero-shaped excitement.
2) How would you describe your parenting style?
Normal… I like loose routines but do think structure is important, encourage outdoor playing, positive reinforcement, do lots of dragon breathing (when you are cross and want to swear) and give lots of cuddles. I think I am a relaxed parent in that on weekends we stay up late, watch films and eat ice cream out of the tub but also firm in that I encourage Leo to respect his toys, use his manners, have kind hands and always eat breakfast.
3) What’s your favourite thing about being a parent?
My favourite moments are when you watch them sleep, and every difficult moment in the day slips away and you just feel so much love. Creating a person is an amazing thing, if terrifying. I love that I get a hug and smile when Leo wakes up just for being mummy. Currently my favourite thing is teaching Leo things, and him surprising me. Our conversations are amazing and hilarious.
4) What piece of advice have you been given that you found especially helpful?
Don’t compare yourself, no one is the same. Just do what you can to get through the day, enjoy it as often as you can. I wish I had listened when I was told when Leo was new-born to enjoy it as it will go so fast. I blinked and five years went past.
5) What one piece of encouraging advice would you give to a new parent?
You are doing perfectly and you will sleep again.
6) Can you share one of your favourite parenting moments?
There are so many, I always recall when Leo was about six months old I would wake him from a nap and he would just pop up his head and grin. He was such a happy baby. It was just a look of pure delight. Once he didn’t want to wake up and a friend was visiting, he played freestyler by Bomfunk Mc on his phone to wake him and Leo just started giggling in his cot as we danced round him. It was lovely and ridiculous.
7) Anything else that you would like to share to encourage other parents?
Just keep swimming… Finding Nemo quote… start to get into Disney now. And Peppa Pig. Read parenting books if you like but use them for support, if they make you feel bad then throw them away. The online blogging community is a fantastic resource, an emotional outlet and source of tips and parent hacks. Try and steal a minute of you time out of the day, even if it is just for a cup of tea. Recognise your achievements and take a shed load of pictures.
Thank you Jade for sharing your positive parenting moments and the advice you have found helpful.
You can connect with Jade on the following social networks:
If you’d like to share some of your positive parenting moments on the Parenting Pep Talk, then let me know in the comments below and I’ll email you with more details.
Awesome post here.. Simple real and engaging.
Aww this is lovely, I love the Finding Nemo quote – “just keep swimming” Very good advice 🙂 x
Don’t compare yourself – that is a piece of golden advice. Fab post and thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this lovely! x
Will I sleep again? Really? Really?!! #coolmumclub