My little blog is one year old today and it feels like I have come a long way since I wrote my first post as part of last year’s 40acts challenge. Although I’d been blogging for several years beforehand, firstly as part of a writing challenge to write exactly 100 words each day and then later documenting my daughter Jessica’s heart journey, this was the first time I’d really given myself the space to write and reflect through blogging. What I didn’t know back then was that I would discover a whole community of lovely like-minded bloggers whilst rediscovering my own passion for writing.
Over this last year, I have:
- Written more than 450 blog posts
- Discovered and become part of a wonderful blogging community
- Become quite addicted to blogging
- Learned all about linkys and created a couple of my own!
- Tried to raise awareness of congenital heart defects and have met other heart families through their blogs
- Become active on social media channels I was barely aware of a year ago!
- Learned not to get too hung up on stats (although have been very happy to reach no. 194 in the Tots100 charts!)
- Attended my first blogging event (Blog Camp) and am looking forward to going to both Blog Camp and Britmums this year and meeting lots of lovely bloggers!
- Reviewed some fab products and ran a few giveaways
- Had a few days out with my girls through blogging opportunities or that have been inspired through reading other blogs.
- Recorded lots of little moments that might have been forgotten otherwise.
My top 5 posts this year have been:
- The truth about the 20 week scan
- Being a heart dad: a personal reflection
- My struggle to bond with my second baby
- To us on the day we became heart parents
- Christmas fayre in memory of Amelia
Thank you to everyone who has followed my blog, commented on my posts and social media, written a guest post or linked up with my ‘From the mouths of babes’ or ‘Heart to heart’ linkys. I have loved getting to know so many people as a result of blogging and I’m looking forward to hopefully meeting some of you in person later on this year.

Awww Happy Blog Birthday!!!
Sounds like it’s been a great year, and hopefully this year will be even more exciting for you all =)
Thank you Jenni 🙂
Wow, well done for your 1 year anniversary, and what you have accomplished is very impressive. 450 posts in one year – wow! I have been going over 3 years and haven’t even written 100 posts! You will have to share some blogging secrets with me.
I hope and am sure you will go from strength to strength with your blog.
Kat x #TwinkleTuesdays
Thank you – I think it is just that it has become an addiction!
Wow- great achievements! Good for you. I hope I make it to 1 year…pretty sure I’m not going to manage that many posts though 🙂
Thank you – I was a bit stunned by how many there were!
Happy birthday to your blog, my lovely! Pretty cake: did you make it yourself? Well done for being ranked so well so quickly on Tots100. xxx
Thank you Mel – yes I did make the cake although it was for Sophie’s first birthday rather than my blog birthday – thought it was a good image for the post though!
Happy Blog Birthday Louise 🙂 You’ve had a great year, here’s to the next one 🙂
Thanks Sara 🙂
Happy blog birthday!! Yours was one of the first blogs I found, keep it up, I love it! 🙂 xx
Aw thank you Laura, so glad you like my blog 🙂
Aww happy bloggy birthday!! You have had a great year- here’s to the next one! xx
Thanks Katy 🙂
Happy Blog Birthday! Congratulations!! What a great year for you! Here’s to many more x
Thank you Kim 🙂
Happy blog birthday, i celebrated my first blog birthday a few weeks ago too. Here is to your second year of blogging xx
Thank you – hope you are enjoying being in your second year of blogging too! 🙂
Happy Blog Birthday to you!!!!
Gosh! 450 posts in a year that is some going!
Your blog is lovely and it sounds like you have had a great year, here is wishing you the best for the next one xx
Thank you Lisa 🙂
The blogging community is pretty great and there are so many wonderful opportunities. Happy 1st Blogiversary 🙂 #sharewithme
Thank you 🙂
Happy Blogiversary for yesterday 🙂 sorry I didn’t read about it yesterday. Did you have a good day?
Can’t wait to meet you at BlogCamp or Britmums if we don’t see each other and blog camp 🙂
Thanks Nikki – had a lovely day and look forward to meeting you too at BlogCamp or Britmums 🙂
Well done and congrats! You have achieved a lot in the last year! #sharewithme
Thank you Carolyn 🙂
Happy bloggerversary lovely lady! You deserve every bit of success hon, here’s to another fab year 🙂 #SWM
Thank you Reneé 🙂
Happy blogiversary lovely! You’ve done amazingly well in a year and I feel so prvelaged to know you as a fellow blogger. I love joining in with your linky (when I’ve written a relative post) and I love you joining in with mine. Thanks for being so supportive and such a fab blogger to know. Congratulations and here’s to another year! Thanks for linking up with #twinklytuesday
Thank you Lisa, always love joining in with your linky and great to have you joining in with mine too 🙂
Congratulations on a great year huni. Here’s to an even better one! 🙂 x
Thank you Aby 🙂
Happy blogiversary Louise! You’ve achieved so much in one year, very impressive! Here’s to another fab year of sharing your family’s story and raising awareness of congenital heart disorders. I hope to meet you in the course of it, although can’t make Britmums as I have a wedding…x
Thank you Jess – hopefully we will get a chance to meet up at some point this year 🙂
Happy blog birthday! It’s funny how much you learn in just a year, isn’t it?! x
Thank you – it really does feel like I have come a long way since then!
Happy Blog Birthday!! You have done so well in a year, here’s to the next one 🙂
Becky xx
Thank you Becky 🙂
Happy blogiversary!!! That’s amazing. You are doing so well and your blog is something you should be so very proud of. Keep it up. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. Have a great weekend. #sharewithme
Thank you Jenny – lovely to link up and hope you have a great weekend too 🙂