From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post about something your children have said. Perhaps they have just started babbling for the first time, or said their first definite word. It could be something cute, or funny, or incredibly embarrassing – whatever it is, I’d love to hear all about it.
Thank you so much to everyone who linked up last week – there were lots of great posts sharing some wonderful moments. I particularly loved Mummascribbles little boy asking for a ‘dead man’ which sounded somewhat sinister until the translation ‘gingerbread man’ was made! There were a couple of wonderful Frozen sing-a-longs from Hope from a Butterfly and Northumberland Mam and Twinderelmo had an awkward moment when her son asked “why don’t girls have willies” and “what do they have?” leaving her wondering what terminology do other mums of girls use.
Sophie’s vocabulary seems to be coming on leaps and bounds at the moment – she loves singing and will sing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ and ‘Row, Row Your Boat’ all the way through – of course most of the words are still quite unclear but you can tell from the general sound and rhythm that she is singing the whole thing. She has also impressed us quite a lot with her ability to count – we give her the odd numbers and she fills in with the even ones all the way up to ten which I think is pretty good for a 14 month old!
Jessica made me laugh with her comment on waving this week – “Mummy, I am saying ‘hello’ with my fingers” – yes, Jessica, that is a very good description!
If you’d like to share your posts about something your children have said (or sung!), then please add the badge code below and link up with me. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts. I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Look forward to reading your posts!

Thanks so much for featuring my post! So kind x
And yes that is really impressive!!! xx
My pleasure – thank you for linking up and for your lovely comment – I was very impressed too! 🙂
Aww! Thank you for the mention!
Your girls are just adorable!
You’re welcome and thank you 🙂
Oh wow Sophie is a superstar with counting! =D Amazing!!
Thank you – I was very impressed! 🙂
Well done Sophie, what a clever girl! Such sweet videos, it’s great to be able to capture them on film whenever we want isn’t it… unlike when we were kids 🙂
Thank you – yes, it is lovely to be able to capture so many moments 🙂
I’m very impressed with Sophie’s singing (very advanced for a 14mo I think!) and also that you managed to capture it on video! Whenever I try to film my little one singing he just shouts ‘I see!’ and reaches out for the camera – he wants to watch NOT perform! I love this idea for a linky and will try to link up when I can, as hearing children develop language is one of my favourite things! I’ve linked up a really old post this week – hope that’s ok. xx
Thank you – lovely to have you link up this week and old posts are just fine. I’m glad I managed to capture it on camera too – not always easy although if I put it on selfie mode sometimes she will be more amenable to it! 🙂
That is sooooo cute!!! Good girl Sophie and very true Jessica
Thank you 🙂
Very clever, and what gorgeous little videos they are! Loving saying hello with your hands too! xx
Thank you – yes, I loved that expression too! 🙂
Aww Sophie is so cute! I can hear the tume and its so right =) #pocolo
Thank you 🙂
What gorgeous videos – I love her singing and that counting is amazing! I love what Jessica said too 🙂 . Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x
Thank you – lovely to link up to #PoCoLo again 🙂