From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the glimpses into their imaginations, the blunt observations – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
Thank you to everyone who linked up last week. Becoming a Stay at Home Mum made me chuckle with some of the things that her children have been saying recently – Monkey’s “when I was a little boy…” reminded me very much of my Jessica! I also loved reading Le Coin de Mel’s latest family update – Wriggly’s description of a runny nose was spot on and Crevette gave his mum the most beautiful compliment.
Jessica was trying to encourage Sophie to eat her dinner the other day:
“Sophie, food helps you grow bigger like a grown-up. You need food to make your heart beep like this: beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…”
That doesn’t sound quite so good for the heart, after all!
Sophie has also been talking about hearts:
“When I grow up, I will be like Jekka and the doctor will look at my heart.”
Bless her. Hopefully that will never need to happen.
Jessica was a little unwell last week and I had to pop into school to give her Calpol one afternoon. She was determined to stay until the end of the day though and was quite to reassure me:
“Don’t worry Mummy. If I get tired or out of breath, I can stop and ask for some water.”
If you have any posts about something that your children have been saying lately, please do come and link up. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). Please add the badge below to your post so others know where they can also link up (the badge code is below). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Looking forward to reading what your little ones have been saying!

Hi Louise, children do say the cutest and most unsettling things things. What my two say now isn’t so cute anymore, but sometimes we do have a giggle over a mispronunciation of an English word, luckily they see the funny side too.
Mispronunciations make me giggle too – my nieces come out with some every now and then 🙂
Aww bless them! Food might not be that good for the heart 🙂 Love Sophie’s style… but let’s not wish for your heart to be looked at, little lady! xx
Lol, it is cute that she wants to be like her big sister but that’s definitely not something to wish for! x
Bless your little grown up Jessica, the heart beeping is so funny though haha! Lovely girls! Xx
Thanks Caroline, the heart beeping one did make me laugh!