From the mouths of babes is my monthly post capturing some of the things my children say. It originally started as a weekly linky but as this gradually fizzled out, I stopped recording those little sayings and found I missed it. One of the things that I love about my blog is that it has captured so many little moments that I might otherwise have forgotten about. This little round-up is my way of capturing some more of them.
Sophie says…
Uncomforfall = uncomfortable
“I stayed with Nanny and then I went to see Jessica in the hospital and we played in the playing room together. I bought her a Hatchimal and some princesses.”
[Running around the room in a vest and knickers] “I’m a superhero. The kind of superhero where you see their pants!”
[Whilst talking to Daddy about family relationships] “Thomas is not my daughter. Thomas is your daughter!”
[On being reminded that Jessica used to call her ‘Baby Sofa’] “I am not baby Sofa! I don’t want to be sat on!”
Thomas talks…
Thomas is now laughing more. It used to be quite an effort to coax a laugh out of him, but now he will often lie on his playmat and chuckle away to himself. Such a beautiful sound.
Memories of Jessica
I found an audio clip on my phone earlier this month of Jessica chatting away to herself. It was so lovely to hear her voice and revisiting a moment that I’d forgotten that I captured.
We still use a lot of “Jessica-isms” in our everyday life. It always makes me smile when we use a word that she coined. This week we had to change the “bat-choos” (batteries) on Thomas’s swing.