Friday Focus 23/04/21 – Opening up

It’s been a busy week with various activities opening up again. Sophie started back at swimming last week, and this week her dance classes restarted back in the dance studio. Before lockdown she was doing two classes a week; now she’s doing five as she’s joined in the competition team. Thankfully three of those are back-to-back on a Saturday and the other two are on the same evening at least.


The words 'opening up' in purple


Thomas is back to doing Tiny Talk toddler classes in the church hall again. It’s been over a year since he went to a group with other children his age and it will be good for him to have that social interaction again.


Our church opened up for Sunday services again last weekend. A few of us involved in worship planning have back in the building for a few weeks to live-stream services, but it was lovely to have some of our other church members be able to join us again.


On a personal note, I opened up to a former colleague of mine last week to share Jessica’s story and my journey through motherhood and living with bereavement on the ‘Motherhood Exposed’ podcast which went live yesterday. It was quite emotional but being able to talk about Jessica also gave me joy too.


A picture of me with the Motherhood Exposed logo overlaid on top


And finally now that the vaccine roll-out is being opened up to over-40s, I’ve been able to book my first Covid vaccine for tomorrow. Yay!


What I’ve been grateful for this week:


Sophie holding up a drawing; Sophie and Thomas standing by a river; our church in the sunshine; forget-me-nots in my garden; Thomas playing with toys in the tuff tray in the garden; Sophie doing her tap class; Thomas with a froggy glove - "#365daysofgratitude 2021 - Week 16"


  • Day 106 – I am grateful that Sophie has a place at our local junior school.


  • Day 107 – I am grateful for a geocache hunt in the sunshine.


  • Day 108 – I am grateful for being back to doing church services with a congregation there in person as well as online.


  • Day 109 – I am grateful for a productive day in the garden. Love all the colours of my spring flowers that are already there and now will hopefully have some more to look forward to in summer.


  • Day 110 – I am grateful for sitting out in the garden in the sunshine watching Thomas play with toys.


  • Day 111 – I am grateful that Sophie is able to do her dance classes in the studio again.


  • Day 112 – I am grateful that Thomas got to enjoy doing Tiny Talk in person for the first time in over a year. He was a little unsure at first but became more confident about joining in halfway through. So lovely to be taking part in a toddler group again with him and for him to have that social interaction with other children.



Other things that have made me smile this week:

  • Playing dress-up with Sophie in the garden.


Me wearing a wig and a flower crown and Sophie wearing her Rainbow Dash outfit and a big bow in her hair


  • Thomas climbing up on the arm of the sofa so he was the right height to give me a kiss.


  • Thomas singing away to himself at bedtime.


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32 thoughts on “Friday Focus 23/04/21 – Opening up

  1. It sounds like a lovely week, and being social again can be so nice. Well done on doing the podcast, I’m sure your words will be helpful to others. I love the pic of you and Sophie dressing up.

  2. You are embracing the opening up. Good for Sophie taking all the dance classes, although I vividly remember all the fun and games getting them to the right place on time after school. They really do enjoy it. I’m glad that Thomas warmed up to being in a group of children his age. Awesome that you spoke about Jessica and your journey on a podcast. I can’t imagine how you must have felt doing it. Love the photo of you and Sophie dressed up. It is a gorgeous photo. #wotw

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Doing the podcast was very emotional but it’s always good to be able to talk about Jessica. Sophie’s dance classes are easier in some ways now as I can drop her off and pick her up rather than having to wait around.

  3. It sounds like Sophie is going to be very busy with her swimming and dance classes and I hope Thomas is happy to be back at the toddler classes.
    I will have to give the podcast a listen to. Well done. It must have been hard.
    Good luck with the vaccine. I hope you feel OK afterwards x

  4. Aww your stories about the kids make me smile. You are certainly going to be busy with all their activities starting again. I love Sophie’s Rainbow Dash costume 😀

  5. Sounds like it was a good week. Well done on the podcast. It’s always so nice when all the activities open up again, and things get back to more normal routines.

  6. It’s wonderful that children can socialise again. It’s been hard for all ages but I think it’s difficult for toddlers. They need to learn to play and interact with each other. I have a friend with a one year old and she still hasn’t been able to take him to baby groups :o(

    Yay for your vaccine!


    1. It’s so hard for little ones not having had that time to be with other children. It’s nice to see Thomas starting to interact more. Hope your friend gets to take her little one to baby groups soon.

  7. So glad to read that Sophie can resume swimming and dancing again. We are opening up more here in the US too. It’s a welcome sight. Good for you for scheduling your first vaccine shot. Bill and I get our second one on Friday.

  8. Glad Sophie got her school place and that Thomas can enjoy group activities again. It’s been such a strange time for all of our children hasn’t it. Great that you’ve got your vaccine booked – hope you’ve not suffered with it #365

  9. Stunning photo of you and Sophie together, you look so happy and relaxed there. So glad both the children are able to enjoy their activities again and fingers crossed no side effects for you with the vaccine

  10. It is lovely that places are starting to open back up again and what a lovely week you had.
    Well done on the podcast, that must have been so very hard but also lovely that Jessica is being remembered on there too.
    Your spring flowers are so pretty. I can’t wait to get a bit of colour in our garden.
    I also love the photo of you and Sophie dressing up, it’s beautiful. That would make such a lovely canvas print. x

    1. Thanks Jayne, it was lovely to have a dressing up session together and always good to be able to talk about Jessica and share memories.

  11. Anya has similar JoJo bows to Sophie! Such a relief she got into your local juniors and I hope she is looking forward to the change. Don’t envy the dance regime! #project365

    1. Funnily enough, the extra classes make it easier as she’s now there long enough that I can drop her off and go home for a while before picking her up.

  12. What a lovely week it is nice that things can open up again. I don’t know if I would be able to cope with five dance classes lol. The kids have missed out on so much. I’m glad Thomas is able to return to his activity too. I love the photo of you dressing up #WotW #365

    1. The extra dance classes actually make it a little easier in some ways as I no longer have to wait around as I now have time to go home and come back.

  13. Well done on the podcast and yay to be able to book your vaccine. I had mine the other day. I hope that you do not get any side effects. Glad you got the school place you wanted. It was so stressful last year when we were waiting for Harry.

  14. It is nice for the kids to get back to their groups..but sounds like you will be busy with the 5 classes a week! So nice she can go back to the dance studio again…its just not the same when they have to do things online

    1. It’s funny, 5 classes is easier in some ways than the 2 were as I had to wait around while Sophie did those as they were split and there wasn’t enough time to go home in between. Now I can drop her off and pick her up which is better.

  15. So glad everything is opening up and your kids can return to activities and a bit more normality! My boys had kickboxing last week. I was so happy for them to have more activity and a break from gaming! What a gorgeous photo of you both playing fancy dress, you both look so happy!

    1. Thank you Karen. So nice to be able to have some more normality isn’t it? Glad your boys have been able to go to kickboxing.

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