The Friday Focus 22/07/16 – Soaking up the sunshine

With the glorious weather we’ve been having this week, my word of the week has to be sunshine.   Summer has well and truly arrived and we’ve been making the most of it! We’ve had the paddling pool and parasol out in the garden and have been enjoying ice lollies galore.  Let’s hope this lovely weather lasts for a while.

Sunshine - this week's word of the week

Things I have loved this week

  • Seeing how much fun Jessica had with her friends at her preschool leavers’ party.

Jessica standing in front of the playhouse at preschool with a banner saying "Congratulations" over her head at her preschool leavers' party

  • Having a fun time at the Friends of PICU Family Fun Day and catching up with Willow, who has the same heart condition as Jessica and was on the ward with her when they were both babies, and her mum.
  • An afternoon with friends and watching the girls having a waterfight in the garden.

Jessica and Sophie having a water fight in our friends' garden

  • A day out at Odds Farm Park, feeding the animals and enjoying all the different play areas.

Jessica and Sophie driving a blue tractor in the play area at Odds Farm Park

  • Seeing all the Pretty Jessica roses blooming in the garden.

A pink Pretty Jessica rose blooming in the garden with two rose buds behind it

  • Having hubby home for bedtime a couple of times this week.
  • Watching the girls splashing about in the paddling pool in the garden.

Jessica and Sophie splashing about with a ball in the paddling pool

The Reading Residence

29 thoughts on “The Friday Focus 22/07/16 – Soaking up the sunshine

  1. Lovely!!!
    I hope you didn’t need too many tissues at Jessica’s preschool graduation and I’m loving the rest of your week. It’s totally the simple things that mean the most to us – looked like a
    Perfect few

    1. Thanks Gemma – I wasn’t too bad at the actual preschool leavers’ party, it was later that day that I got a bit emotional about it all although now I’m just focusing on enjoying the summer 🙂

  2. The sunshine does make the week nicer, doesn’t it? So much outdoor time and love the girls’ happy faces in the paddling pool. Here’s hoping it lasts! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. It’s been so lovely to have that sunshine and we’ve loved having so much outdoor time this week 🙂

    1. Thanks Jenni – I always feel so much happier when the sun shines too, it’s amazing the difference it can make, isn’t it? 🙂

    1. Such a shame it didn’t last for you in Cornwall – hope the sunshine returns for you over the weekend 🙂

  3. What other way to beat the heat than to swim in the pool! Its really amazing how sun can make us go out! Didnt enjoy the first 2 days of the heatwave but once we got use to it we love it! Today is my son’s last day of school and when holidays starts for us we are realkly going to go out and soak up the sun! #wotw

    1. The pool was definitely essential this week! Hope you and your son enjoy the summer holidays 🙂

  4. Firstly, how wonderful that all of your photos are outside this week – isn’t the weather superb?! And we’ve been spending time in our paddling pool and with water pistols, too, it’s the best way when it’s so hot!
    I can’t believe that Jessica is ready to leave pre-school, she’s looking so grown up. I hope it wasn’t too emotional for you!
    Have a lovely week

    1. Thanks Tracey – we’ve certainly been making the most of the nice weather! I can’t quite believe Jessica has finished preschool either – the time seems to have gone by very quickly. Last week was a very emotional one but this week I’m back on an even keel again! Hope you have a lovely week too x

  5. Ah you have really made the most of the weather. It really opens up so many more activities like garden and pool time! Love Jessica’s summe dress! She always looks so cute. Hope this is the start of an amazing summer xx #wotw

    1. Thanks Sarah – shame this week hasn’t been quite so nice weather-wise but hopefully the sunshine will come back again! 🙂

    1. It seems to have disappeared this week – fingers crossed it comes back! The paddling pool is great – a little small for the girls now but I love the design 🙂

    1. Thanks Karen – we love the paddling pool, hoping to get some more use out of it in August!

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