Friday Focus 19/01/2024 – Self-care

I’m trying to take a little more time for self-care at the moment. I’ve started getting out for a walk in the mornings after the school run and it’s been good to have the exercise and the time outside to myself before starting work for the day. I’m tracking my outdoor time again for #1000hoursoutside and while I’m not going to put myself under pressure to do the full challenge, having the encouragement to get outside more is a good thing.


The word 'self-care' in pink bubble letters


One of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to reclaim the word “no”. Over the last few years, I’ve ended up overloading myself by volunteering to do things when no-one else has volunteered to do them. Sometimes those things need doing and I might be the right person to do them, but sometimes they’re things that perhaps need to be let go of if no-one is willing to take them on. So while I still might take things on, I’m going to think more carefully before saying “yes” to them.




What I’ve been grateful for this week:


Flowers at Jessica's forever bed; tea loaf and cheese scones on a kitchen counter with mugs and plates; a bouquet of yellow and orange flowers; Black Park Lake on a wintry morning; a frozen bubble on frosty grass; a pink leg warmer being knitted on a knitting loom; Thomas wearing a rainbow-coloured knitted hat and a winter coat - "#366daysofgratitude 2024 - Week 3"


  • Day 12 – I am grateful for quiet time on my own spent chatting to Jessica.


  • Day 13 – I am grateful to everyone who came along to my coffee morning and helped raised money for Little Hearts Matter.


  • Day 14 – I am grateful for pretty flowers.


  • Day 15 – I am grateful for a morning walk around Black Park lake.


  • Day 16 – I am grateful for being able to make frozen bubbles.


  • Day 17 – I am grateful for adjustable knitting looms.


  • Day 18 – I am grateful for warm winter coats, hats and gloves.



Other things that have made me smile this week:

  • A family trip to the swimming pool and watching Sophie and Thomas having fun on the waterslides.


  • Managing to fix the washing machine when it started leaking. It’s been okay for the last few loads, so fingers crossed it stays that way!


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13 thoughts on “Friday Focus 19/01/2024 – Self-care

  1. Saying no is sometimes a challenge for me too, especially when I was still teaching. But I found it’s so important to look after yourself as a priority or else you won’t have enough or be fit enough to look after others. So good on you. Hope the hours outdoors pile up to be fun, relaxing, and beneficial. I have promised myself that too, but I just can’t be outdoors at the moment. Have a great weekend!

  2. It is good that you are making time for your self. I have been going out for a walk each day and it is really helping with my mood.
    Good on you for saying no more, sometimes people can take advantage.
    What a lovely week of photos. The frozen bubble looks amazing! x

  3. Self care is thing we all know we need to do but never seem to have the time for, so good on you for making time. Going for a walk is a great way to clear your mind – says she who needs to do this herself LOL! Saying No is also good for you. And fixing the washing machine too, you are on a roll!

  4. Love the frozen bubbles. When I’ve tried before it’s not worked and I didn’t think to try this week when it was cold. Good for you in saying no more often. Very important for ourselves to feel able to say that.

  5. I’m so with you on saying ‘no’ I’m waiting for a text this morning asking me for money and I am unable to give any, but I’ll probably end up going into my overdraft because I can’t say no. Why is it such a hard word to say? I can’t wait for the weather to get better because I’m going to go out every day. I can’t get far but I went to a neighbour the other day to pick up a parcel that had been sent to the wrong address. It was so nice to get some fresh air. I’m definitely going to get out more. But I really can’t cope with the cold. I love your knitting loom, I’m pretty sure I have one somewhere that I’ve not used…I have plenty of wool!

  6. Love your word of the week. I have had a little blip and really need to start some self-care too. We are hopefully putting some changes in place as a family that will help me with this. Sometimes saying no is a good thing. I hope you can keep it up #WotW

  7. Self care is something I know I should do more of for myself yet very seldom do, the lake looks like a great place for a walk, reminds me of what I have on my doorstep.
    I recently saw a reel using a loom it looks like great fun to use.

  8. Self care is a very good thing to focus on for yourself and your family will benefit also. Saying No is a tough one, especially when people assume you will always say yes and then there is the FOMO to deal with. I’m finding it easier to say no the more I say it and choose what I say yes to and focus more time on the things that matter and are of interest to me.

  9. It’s amazing what a walk can do. Now the kids are better I want to get out more again too. And well done for fixing the washing machine! That’s an expense no one needs this time of year.

  10. Can relate to trying to reclaim the word ‘no’. I end up doing more than I should for the scouts and its becoming overwhelming. I need to delegate more and say no.

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