Friday Focus 16/04/21 – Joy

It’s been three years this week since Jessica died and, as with the previous two anniversaries, we focused on giving joy in honour of our beautiful brave girl. It was lovely to see others joining in too to #givejoyforjessica, sharing their memories or just keeping us in their thoughts. We certainly felt surrounded by love.


The word 'joy' with doodles of flowers, a heart and a butterfly next to it


The biggest moment of joy though was a very unexpected one. While we were spending time with Jessica at her forever bed, we were surprised by my mum and my sister turning up there too. They don’t live locally and we haven’t see my family for nearly seven months. It was wonderful to see my mum and sister again, especially so unexpectedly. Jessica would have been so thrilled by that unexpected visit from Nanny and Auntie Loraynne too. She also had a visit from Grandma and Grandad that morning too.


What I’ve been grateful for this week:


The new teapot fairy house and lighthouse in our fairy garden; Sophie and Daddy holding Thomas's hands and swinging him; Thomas at Chiltern Open Air Museum; Sophie at the Halo Play Cafe; Sophie outside an outdoor swimming pool; Thomas at Jessica's forever bed looking at Nanny; me twirling in my new rainbow coloured skirt - "#365daysofgratitude 2021 - Week 15"


  • Day 99 – I am grateful for a couple of new additions to our fairy garden.


  • Day 100 – I am grateful for a family day out.


  • Day 101 – I am grateful for a lovely walk around Chiltern Open Air Museum.


  • Day 102 – I am grateful for Halo Children’s Foundation and the support they give to bereaved children. It was lovely today to pop along for the official launch of the new Halo Play Cafe – such a fabulous space for families.


  • Day 103 – I am grateful that Sophie is able to go back to swimming lessons again.


  • Day 104 – I am grateful for the six and a half wonderful years we had with our beautiful Jessica; for being able to visit her this morning (we weren’t able to visit her last year on the anniversary due to lockdown) and for the wonderful surprise of seeing my mum and sister there too. I was going to go and surprise my mum with a visit today as one of my #givejoyforjessica plans but she surprised me instead. It’s been nearly seven months since I last saw her. Thank you everyone who has shared memories of Jessica today, held us in their thoughts and prayers and joined in to #givejoyforjessica in memory of our beautiful girl.


  • Day 105 – I am grateful for a lovely new skirt, especially one with nice deep pockets!



Other things that have made me smile this week:

  • Sophie making two toilet roll tube lanterns from things she found in the craft cupboard.


Sophie holding her toilet roll tube lanterns


  • Hubby finding a poster from our university days with his photo on it advertising one of the student union events. I remember that event very well – I’d made myself a dress out of bubble wrap to wear to it! Fun times.


A poster advertising the last Poundstretcher event in May 2002


  • The little collection of pixies that have now been added to our fairy garden.


Seven pixies for our fairy garden


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34 thoughts on “Friday Focus 16/04/21 – Joy

  1. How lovely for your Mum and sister to surprise you, I’m sure that was a very emotional day. I love your little pixies. I would love a fairy garden.

    1. It was such a wonderful surprise. I love our fairy garden – I wish we’d created it when Jessica was here as she’d have loved it too.

  2. You have been in my thoughts over the last week. That is lovely you got to see your mum and sister. What an unexpected surprise.
    Your fairy garden looks adorable and I love your new skirt.
    Lovely photos. x

  3. What a fabulous surprise to see your family. Seven months is a long time. I’m glad you were on the receiving end of joy too. I love the pixies. They are going to look perfect in your fairy garden. Clever Sophie making the lanterns out of things she already had. I love your skirt and with pockets too. Lucky Sophie being back swimming. The pool looks very inviting. I miss swimming. Hope you have a good weekend. #wotw

    1. Thanks Cheryl. It was so wonderful to see my mum and sister. The pixies are such a lovely addition to the fairy garden. Sophie is really enjoying being back at swimming again.

  4. How wonderful to be able to see your mum and sister after so long, and poignant to meet them alongside Jessica
    Love the skirt. That is a lot of pixies.

  5. Aww how lovely to meet up with your family 🙂 love the pixies! and the lanterns. A skirt with pockets! and functional ones at that, I am jealous LOL!

    1. Lol, I made a resolution a couple of years ago not to buy skirts without functional pockets so I was specifically looking for one with them!

  6. Sounds like you have a wonderful family, so lovely of your mum and sister to travel and surprise you. Glad you got to see them and get some much needed support.

    We also have new fairy gardens this week (lily got 2 different ones to make for her birthday) x

  7. What a lovely surprise that you got to see your mum and sister. So glad that a little joy was spread your way.
    What an adorable fairy garden! The pixies are going to be so at home there.

    Your skirt is just the best and the fact that it has pockets is just awesome! x

    1. Thanks Jayne, it was such a wonderful surprise. Pockets are a requirement these days when shopping for skirts!

    1. It was such a wonderful surprise. We started our fairy garden after Jessica died and I wish we’d done it sooner as she would have loved it.

  8. Oh so lovely that you were supported and must have been such a fantastic surprise seeing your mum and sister after so long.

    That skirt is awesome.

  9. How wonderful that your mom and sister surprised you at Jessica’s forever bed. The support and love from family is priceless. Love the pixies in your garden. I bet Sophie and Thomas love them too!

    1. Thank you Laurie, it was such an amazing surprise. Sophie and Thomas love the pixies – they’re such a lovely addition to our fairy garden.

  10. How lovely that you were able to see your mum and sister to remember Jessica together. I always appreciate clothes with pockets! Fab skirt. #project365

    1. It was such a lovely surprise to see them. I made a resolution a while ago to avoid clothes without pockets and it’s been a good decision.

  11. What a wonderful surprise to see your Mum and sister at Jessica’s place, to honour your beautiful daughter together.
    The pixies look so cute. Great poster with your husband! Your skirt is very jazzy! It would make me want to dance. 🙂

  12. I’ve been thinking of you all, sending love. How wonderful that your mum and sister were able to join you.
    Uni days were a lot of fun it sounds like a great party and a dress out of bubble wrap! Sophie looks very happy with her lanterns.

    1. We did have a lot of fun in our uni days. That bubble wrap dress was fun to make and I had a few people wanting to pop it!

  13. I absolutely adore the fairy garden. How fabulous your mum and sister turned up to see Jessica’s forever garden, it brought a lump to my throat thinking how lovely and special this was to have happened.

  14. So nice you got to catch up with your mum and sister. Your fairy garden is beautiful! I hope Sophie enjoyed her swim, that’s fab that lessons are back on. Wish they would open up the pool closest to me, I miss going swimming with a friend. Love the toilet roll lanterns.

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