It’s good to be back home again after spending the first part of this week in hospital for Jessica’s cardiac catheter procedure. I’ve been so proud of my big girl this week and how well she has coped with it – she has been so brave throughout the whole thing. There were a few tears whilst having bloods taken, cannulas inserted and stickies removed – the things that she always hates having done – and she was quite an unhappy little lady for the first hour or so after coming round from her catheter procedure but other than that, her beautiful smile has mostly still been there. We’re still playing the waiting game with regards to having an idea of when the team might suggest the next operation takes place but in the meantime, we’ll keep focusing on making memories and enjoying normal family life.
Things I have loved this week:
- Watching Jessica and Sophie having fun at a friend’s birthday party.
- Seeing the girls snuggling up on the sofa together and each “reading” their toys a bedtime story.
- Catching up with our former minister Elizabeth at her induction service for her new church.
- Seeing both the girls asleep in Sophie’s cot together after Jessica decided she wanted to sleep in there too!
- Having friends come to visit us in hospital.
- Listening to Jessica chattering away to the nurses on the ward and having quite a few of them remember us from all our previous stays (despite it being over two years since we were last on the ward).
- Watching Jessica and Sophie racing each other in the Little Tikes cars on the ward.
- Going home via my mum’s house and catching up with my sisters.
- Taking things easy on our arrival home and just enjoying spending time out in the garden having fun.
Aah hon brave is such a good word for both of you. I’m glad it went ok and she is still smiling. The not knowing must be so hard! Hugs xxx
Thanks Caroline – not knowing is hard but as long as we don’t have a date, I can keep hoping we’ve got a good chunk of time before we have to think about the next op!
Phew! You’re passed that now. I can imagine being in hospital, with a child, for an operation like this, would need bravery. I’m glad you had moments that you could enjoy too. #wotw
Thank you Cheryl – it’s good to be on the other side of it all!
Aww! Jessica is so brave….You are too! I know you are just doing what needs to be done but you deal with everything so bravely. I’m so glad she’s still smiling.
Lovely photos x
So glad to hear you are home again and Jessica’s procedure went well. Lovely seeing ghtem read stories together to their teddies. x
Awww such a wonderful word for the week and you are all so brave! I love the photo of the two of them in the cot together and reading – they have such a beautiful relationship – it really is such a joy to see photos of the two of them =)
Jessica seems so brave and so do you guys! I was following on Facebook. Glad all went ok! I love the pic of the girls sleeping – I hope my daughters have such a good relationship. Lovely week and pics as always xx #wotw
Hi Louise, it must be such a relief to be home after such a testing week. I love the photos of your girls reading and sleeping in the cot together, that’s how sibling memories are made. Wishing you a lovely and relaxing weekend.
Jessica was such a brave little lady, and so were you. I sure it must have felt quite a rough week at time but it does look like you have had a good week #WotW
Such a brave family – because it’s hard on all of you, I know. Glad the heart cath went ok, and crossing everything for the next stage. So happy tht your brave little girl is taking it all in her stride, and that she has her sister there to support her too. Sending much love. #WotW
Jessica is so brave and it was lovely seeing her smiley face on Instagram this week after the op. That photo of your girls asleep in the cot is adorable. I hope you have a nice family weekend together x
Your girls are just delicious! If I can say it like that. I love how they read and play and cuddle with each other, it would make me happy too! Big stuff this week, I’m glad it went well. Hope everything else is ok? X
#happydayslinky #triballove
I am so glad Jessica is ok, It must be so stressful for you all Louise? Bless them wanting to sleep together how sweet, my two have never done that boo! I think the gab between them it to big, they do have their lovely moments when they get on thank goodness but they are so totally different x
Brave is an excellent word! I am pleased to hear it all went well x #happydays
So glad that everything went well. You are all so brave xx
Aww that photo of the two of them in bed – what cuties!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x
Oh bless the girls both asleep in the cot! And Jessica is SO brave, what a star. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x