Friday Focus 09/12/22 – Festive

The Christmas cards have been written, most of the presents are now wrapped and we’ve been enjoying the first panto trip of the festive season, lunch with Father Christmas, a trip to the Christmas tree festival, the first couple of carol concerts and the Reception nativity play. We’ve not yet got our Christmas tree or the decorations up (we usually put them up in mid-December) but we’re definitely feeling festive.


The word 'festive' in red with a sprig of holly above the dot of the 'i'


Thomas made an adorable angel in his nativity play. It brought back memories of Jessica and Sophie playing angels in their nativity plays too. He’ll be reprising the role on Sunday when we have a scratch nativity at church. I’m the narrator and Sophie is seizing the opportunity to play Mary. I’m sure she won’t be the only one but there’s room for more than one Mary in the script and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.


Jessica, Sophie and Thomas playing angels in their nativity plays


I’ve got my annual pre-Christmas meltdown out of the way now too. There’s always a point each year when carrying the vast majority of the mental load of Christmas on my shoulders becomes a bit too much but once I’ve had my annual rant at hubby, it all settles down again and generally feels a lot easier after that.



What I’ve been grateful for this week:


Christmas trees in a church; Sophie and Thomas with the genie from Aladdin; Sophie and Thomas sitting with Father Christmas; Sophie performing in her drama group show; Sophie writing Christmas cards; Thomas dressed as an angel in his school nativity; me with three friends from church out for a meal - "#365daysofgratitude 2022 - week 49"


  • Day 336 – I am grateful for going to the Christmas tree festival with Thomas’s school.


  • Day 337 – I am grateful for a fun afternoon at the panto. Sophie loved getting to catch up with one of her von Trapp siblings there too.


  • Day 338 – I am grateful for a lovely lunch with Santa at Denham Country Park.


  • Day 339 – I am grateful for getting to watch Sophie performing in her drama group show.


  • Day 340 – I am grateful that Sophie writes all her own Christmas cards especially given the length of her list! Looking forward to when Thomas does the same!


  • Day 341 – I am grateful for seeing Thomas performing in his school nativity play.


  • Day 342 – I am grateful for a lovely evening having a meal out with friends.



 Other things that have made me smile this week:

  • Getting my hair cut.


  • Finishing Thomas’s scarf and seeing him and Sophie wearing their matching hats and scarves for the first time.


Sophie and Thomas in their matching hats and gloves knitted in rainbow coloured wool


  • Seeing our oldest church member (who’s over 90) getting up and dancing in the aisle to a lively version of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” at the end of last week’s service. Such a joyous moment.


  • Singing carols in the shopping centre with a mixed group from my church and am-dram society.


  • Watching Sophie performing with her school choir in their carol concert.


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11 thoughts on “Friday Focus 09/12/22 – Festive

  1. Wow! You have done so many Christmas related things, no wonder you are feeling festive. Aww! What beautiful angels and the nativity sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun.
    I’m glad you’ve had your pre-Christmas meltdown. It all does become too much, I felt the same last week and got it all out and feel much better now.
    What lovely photos. I love the matching hats and scarves. x

    1. There’s definitely a point each year when it all feels too much. Glad you’ve managed to get it all out as well – it does make things feel better afterwards!

  2. Good to get the meltdown out of the way early. It sounds like you have had a busy time, I used to love all the activities, I went to a school concert this week and wondered if it will be my last ever 🙁

    1. It is sad when these things come to an end. I’m trying to make the most of this time when Sophie and Thomas are still doing these Christmas events.

  3. Sorry to hear about your melt down pre Christmas, but it’s understandable. My gran loved singing in church but I’m not sure she would have danced. Love seeing the kids wearing the finished scarves

  4. Sorry to her you have an annual meltdown but sometimes it is good to let of steam and it can get a bit much during the festive seaon. Gorgeous angel pics of all three beautiful children. My nativity days have finished now as Zach has done his last infant play #project365

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