Black & White Photography Project Week 6

This week’s black and white photo is of my sister’s tortoise, Bentley.

Black & White Photo 06-01

I’ve been enjoying playing around with monochrome since first joining in with this – particularly with the effects from different filters. I used a blue filter on the photo of Bentley above which hides the fact that his shell is actually quite damaged (he was a “rescue” tortoise having been rehomed by my sister after being found in quite a sorry state). The photo below shows the same photo but with a red filter and the damage to his shell is more apparent in this shot:

Black & White photo 06-02

Linking in with PODcast on the Black & White Photography Project:

 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg

15 thoughts on “Black & White Photography Project Week 6

  1. awww bless him .. how can anyone be so mean to him! .. glad he has found a nice new home x

  2. Bentley is so cute! and he’s quite lucky to have your sister as his new mom!
    nice shot! 🙂

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