An afternoon at Pinner Village Show

Sophie and I have been busy with rehearsals for The Sound of Music over the last couple of months. We’re now only a few weeks away from show week. There are a few events planned over the coming weeks to help promote the show. The first of these was at Pinner Village Show, at Pinner Memorial Park. It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day – perfect weather for spending an afternoon at the village show.


Sophie standing in front of the WOS Productions stand holding a Sound of Music flyer – “An afternoon at Pinner Village Show”


We’ve only been to Pinner Memorial Park once before – to meet up with friends for a play date a few years ago.  The weather was very different that day – cold and grey. Still fun though – we had the playground to ourselves for quite a while and I remember feeding the ducks afterwards with Jessica. Memories that came flooding back as soon as we turned the corner and saw the ducks around the pond. Oh how I wish we could have been there with Jessica once more.


We headed over to the WOS Productions stand to help hand out some flyers to promote the show. Sophie was a little shy at first but was soon going up to passers-by, standing determinedly in front of them holding out a flyer until they took it from her.


Thomas in front of a board covered in The Sound of Music posters and flyers


We spent about an hour handing out flyers before the lure of the nearby fairground rides became too much for Sophie to resist. There were quite a few rides there for her to enjoy – starting with the little cars. It seemed to be a bit of a free-for-all with getting on the ride though. This turned out to be the case on a few of the other rides too. Having one entrance point for each ride and a queue would have been much better.


Sophie driving a yellow car at the funfair


Sophie riding on a yellow Minions aeroplane at the funfair


Some of the rides were better managed though. Sophie particularly enjoyed the inflatable bumper cars. I’m not sure she quite got the hang of how to steer, but she certainly looked like she was having fun!


Sophie on an inflatable bumper car


Thomas giving a big grin while sitting in his buggy


There were a few different food vans and stalls around the show. We went for the crepes which were huge and had a good range of sweet and savory options.


Sophie eating a huge crepe


Sophie had a go at trying to ring the bell on the high striker but, even with Mummy’s help, wasn’t quite strong enough to do it. She still got to choose a prize for taking part. I have to admit my heart sank when she went for the glitter slime despite my best attempts at trying to steer her towards some of the other prizes! One to play with on the tuff spot in the garden, I think!


Sophie hitting the button on the high striker with a mallet.


There was a candy floss stall next to the high striker. Sophie loves candy floss. She’d never seen it being made on a stick before though and was fascinated. It’s funny how times change. When I was little, candy floss on a stick was the norm. Now it tends to be candy floss in a bag.


Sophie holding a very large candyfloss on a stick


We had a wander around some of the other stalls around the village show. There was another am-dram group handing out flyers for their show too. I noticed that they will be doing ‘Annie’ next year. One to keep in mind if Sophie stays interested in performing.


Sophie hooking a duck from an inflatable paddling pool


We finished off at the petting zoo where Sophie enjoyed feeding the goats. She was quite keen to return to the WOS Productions stand afterwards to help hand out a few more flyers until it was time to pack up and go home. Hopefully some of the people who took them will come and see the show.


Sophie feeding hay to two of the goats


The Sound of Music is on from 23rd – 26th October 2019 at the Winston Churchill Theatre in Ruislip. You can book tickets online here.


Country Kids linky

4 thoughts on “An afternoon at Pinner Village Show

  1. Oh well done Sophie for handing out the flyers. I look forward to hearing all about your performance. The show looks lovely but it drives me mad when there’s no proper queueing system for kids rides too. We are so British!

  2. Fantastic that Sophie took on the responsibility of promoting her show. That crepe looks huge compared to her! And i too have nostalgia for things like candyfloss on a stick (surely it’s better for the environment too!) It looks like you had a lovely day and i’m glad that you had some lovely memories of Jessica to go with your day. #CountryKidsFun

  3. This looks like a really super, traditional family day!! I love that Sophie is getting involved with promoting the show – well done to her for being brave handing out the leaflets! #countrykids

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