#366daysofgratitude – Week 22

Throughout 2016 I will be posting a photo on Instagram each day, sharing something that I am grateful for each day as part of my #366daysofgratitude project.  Here are the things I have been grateful for this week:

Playmobil, hubby being home, chocolates, soft play, play dough, parties and an induction service - the things I've been thankful for this week

Day 150 – I am grateful for a lovely afternoon at Grandma’s house – and the girls loved having new Lego and Playmobil to play with.

Day 151 – I am grateful that hubby is home after being away for two weeks.

Day 152 – I am grateful for lots of yummy Lindt chocolate arriving in the post today for me to review.

Day 153 – I am grateful for soft play on a gloomy day. Even if it was very busy!

Day 154 – I am grateful for play dough.

Day 155 – I am grateful for a fun afternoon at a birthday party for one of the girls’ friends.

Day 156 – I am grateful for time as a family and an afternoon attending our former minister’s induction service at her new church.

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