Since 2016, I have taken part in a daily gratitude challenge, sharing a photo of one thing I am thankful for each day on Instagram. There have been days when finding little things to be grateful for has been very easy to do and others when it has been incredibly hard. Life as a bereaved parent is quite a rollercoaster at times. There have been many moments when I don’t feel grateful for anything at all – just broken and bruised. However, looking for those little moments has helped me even on the darkest of days. Hard though it may be at times, I have always managed to find something to be thankful for.
My eldest daughter Jessica was an inspiration to me throughout her short life. She had so much strength and such a wonderful zest for life. Her godmother described her once as a “joy carrier” and it was the perfect description for her. She was a little ray of sunshine, full of smiles and gave joy to all who knew her. I am, and will always be, grateful to be her mummy. She taught me to enjoy the little moments and to make the most of everyday because tomorrow is never promised. I continue with this challenge in honour of my beautiful brave girl.
If you would like to join me in a daily gratitude challenge for 2019, do feel free to use the hashtag #LHBL365daysofgratitude2019 on Instagram so I can find your posts there.
Day 181 – I am grateful for #30DaysWild and the way it helps encourage me to get outdoors with the children and look more closely at nature. I always learn something new each time I take part too. Lying on the blanket with Sophie this afternoon and just looking up at the clouds was such a lovely calming activity (not that you’d guess it from my little whirlwind’s expression!)
Day 182 – I am grateful for a lovely walk around Black Park with a friend.
Day 183 – I am grateful that Sophie enjoyed her transition afternoon in Year 1 and that she is going to be in Jessica’s Year 1 class next year. Feeling very emotional about her finishing Reception and moving up to Year 1 with all the memories of Jessica and her time in Year 1 which was cut short. My big girl should have been trying out junior school today. I hope her classmates enjoyed it. I will miss seeing them around next year.
Day 184 – I am grateful for being able to surprise Sophie with a visit from Nanny.
Day 185 – I am grateful for my big camera lens and being able to take some nice close-up shots of Sophie enjoying her sports day.
Day 186 – So much to be grateful for at tonight’s Girls’ Brigade awards evening. I am grateful for Sophie’s joy at getting the badges she worked for this year, and being the winner of this year’s marks competition in Explorers. I am grateful that Jessica is very much remembered and for this beautiful azalea which Sophie and her friends helped to pot in memory of her. I am grateful that the Jessica Charlotte George Cup was awarded to a little girl who thoroughly deserves it. I am grateful for all the wonderful Girls’ Brigade leaders and helpers, and the friends that Sophie has made there and the ones that I have made too. So thankful for it all. It’s been an emotional evening.
Day 187 – I am grateful that Sophie had such a fun time at her friend’s party this afternoon.