10 signs that you’re a parent blogger

When I first started this blog just under a year ago, I never realised just how much blogging would take over my life. Here are ten things that are now true for me as a parent blogger:

10 signs that you're a parent blogger - Little Hearts, Big Love

1) You go on a day out and spend the whole day mentally reviewing it in your head ready for the blog post about it.

2) If your child gets stuck in an awkward position whilst playing, you take a photo for the blog before you free them (unless of course they’re actually in immediate danger!)

3) You have active profiles on every social media site known to man.

4) You often intend to have an early night but somehow end up staying up far too late writing posts, reading blogs, commenting and interacting on social media.

5) Your ranking on the Tots100 charts can make or break your day

6) Every time you write a post, you already know which linkys you’re going to join it up with and being first to link up on a popular one makes you want to do a happy dance.

7) You know you really need to get on with the housework but the laptop is calling you…

8) You know more about the lives of your fellow bloggers than you do about some of your real-life friends.

9) Your children have to wait for you to take photos from various angles before they get to play with the new toy that’s just arrived in the post.

10) Going somewhere where there is no Wi-Fi makes you break out in a cold sweat


How many of these can you identify with? Are there any others you would add to the list?

The List

90 thoughts on “10 signs that you’re a parent blogger

  1. Totally true lively, blogging really is a way of life that only other bloggers can understand!! I’ve been forced to take a bit of a break due to poorly kiddies but am si enjoying getting back into the swing again!! Xx

    1. Hope your little ones are getting better – sometimes it’s good to have a break x

  2. haha I’ve only been blogging under 2 months and I can already identify with ALL of these. It’s so funny! I have to actively leave my phone upstairs to spend QT with the hubby! It’s a fab hobby but very addictive xx #sharewithme

  3. I can identify with every single one of those! You made me smile, sweetie. I only had Pinterest & Facebook before I started my blog 🙂

  4. Hahaaa all so true – at the height of my blogging addiction I would review my day at night time and think it would make a hilarious post, then forget about it in the morning and wonder if it was actually hilarious.

  5. I identified with all of the above…and I don’t just take 1 picture at a time of my kids, I take like 20 in various poses…shouting “act natural” “look like your happy” because they get so fed up of posing.

    Love this post

  6. Lol so true!! We spend way too much time online especially catching up with our favorite blogs or better yet the hours it can sometimes take posting a blog post

    Glad to have found your site

  7. Haha, this made me laugh – all so true! I will be the first one to join a linky one day, I will! xx #sharewithme

    1. It’s so satisfying when you do! Glad my post made you laugh 🙂

  8. I can relate to nearly all of them. My kids now call me to take photos of them that might be good for my blog. I started blogging a few months ago and before that Facebook was the only social media platform I went on. Now I’m on every single platform and pimping out my posts on link parties! Crazy, but I love it! #sharewithme

    1. It is crazy isn’t it – you don’t realise quite how much interaction there is on social media with blogging until you start doing it! 🙂

    1. Ah yes, I’ve done that a couple of times too! Glad you enjoyed my post 🙂

  9. I can identify myself with all of them. OMG it’s crazy. I never even realised but it’s so true. I had to share this with my hubby. #sharewithme

  10. Great post. Definitely agree with the one about children being stuck in awkward positions. Sadly, Lucas now knows how to use my camera hone so I have to be VERY careful. I am, however, VERY careful about how much time I spend blogging. Nothing is more important to me than my family and I’ve always told the OH to let me know if I’m spending too much time on social media. He has told me twice to walk away from the laptop which I’ve done happily. I also have a ‘no blogging at the weekend’ unless under special circumstances. Saying that, the OH always reads what I write before I post and I’ve been getting him involved too! Lucas has also learnt the word ‘blogging’ into his vocab and he’s now eager(!) and if he’s reviewed something, it’s always his words I’ve used. Such a great post xxx #sharewithme

    1. Thank you – I can imagine it gets more challenging when they learn how to use your camera phone! I try not to let blogging take over too much either – just switched off completely for 24 hours this weekend and it was wonderful to have that complete break – glad you manage to stick to ‘no blogging at the weekend’ – I tend to schedule and then catch up with linkys/comments where I can but family comes first.

    1. I always have to have my camera too – thank goodness for camera phones! 🙂

  11. Love the happy dance one! That is so me, but I can relate to each and every one. Great post #sharewithme

  12. Too True, my husband says that Elsie thinks my phone is her real mum cause it is constantly pointed towards her. But atleast she knows to smile when she sees it now 🙂 9monthmodel

  13. I absolutely love these lists and each time they make me belly laugh but also hold my head down in shame as that is totally me everytime. lol hahaha Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    1. Lol, yes given the choice between housework or laptop usually means a win for the laptop! 🙂

  14. Spot on with so many of these! I am rubbish at linkys but I do take photos of just about anything, just in case I need it to illustrate a post at a later date!
    Lovely blog post xx

  15. Totally agree. In fact it’s not just the children who have to wait for photgraphs ot be taken before they can play with toys. I was sent some make up recently for a valentine’s gift guide and my wife stopped herself before tearing into the packaging and asked if I needed to take a phot! She’s learned the rules. #TheList

    1. Lol, haven’t had that with my hubby yet but am sure he knows the rules by now! 🙂

    1. Lol, glad you could identify with it! Lovely to link up again 🙂

  16. Every single one of those is so true! Reading this, I can completely identify myself as a parent blogger! Especially the trying to get photos lol! Great post 🙂 #mummymonday

  17. Wow! I’ve been blogging for, well not very long, but reading this makes me realise I’m a little obsessed!!!!!!!

  18. I can relate to most of these, haha! My OH always has to wait for me to take pictures of things before I’ll let him open them too, he gets so annoyed, especially if I’m at work all day! #mummymonday

  19. Haha love this. Literally just did number two!! Amelia got stuck in her activity cube and a photo was needed before saving her..poor girl! Thanks for linking up and hope to see you again tomorrow! #MummyMonday xx

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