#withkindnessandlove 2 – stories of kindness and sharing some blog love

#withkindnessandlove is my new series for 2017. Each week, I will be sharing some stories of kindness along with some things that have made me smile during the week. Β Some weeks I might share a quote that has inspired me, or some suggestions for small acts of kindness that I have come across. I’m hoping to make 2017 my year of kindness and I’d love for you to join me along the way.

Jessica being helped across a log by her cousin: "#withkindnessandlove 2 - stories of kindness and sharing some blog love"

Little moments of kindness

Last week I got confused by all the changes in refuse collection over the festive period and put the wrong bin out (general waste when it was a recycling week). The bin man obviously realised this and walked up my drive to collect the correct bin as well as fetching my paper boxes to empty these too.


This week I’m also sharing a couple of stories of kindness from other bloggers:


β€œRecently my little 3 month old daughter was unfortunate enough to contract bronchiolitis and was quite unwell. A trip to the GP resulted in us having to be sent to our local paediatric assessment unit. I had to go alone with her as my husband had to stay and look after our eldest. I told a few friends and posted an update on my blog and was overwhelmed by the messages from family and friends who offered to help and babysit. I felt a little alone taking my baby girl by myself but the messages and reassurance kept me busy whilst she was being monitored. I also had a lot of people checking in the next day to see how she was. It just made me feel so very grateful and lucky to have such wonderful family and friends and some of those made through blogging. They were all so kind. (Sarah – Run, Jump, Scrap)


β€œWhen my Mom passed away, my friend baked & made loads of meals for us all as she wanted us to have one less thing to worry about. It was such a kind and thoughtful thing to do that benefitted and helped so much.” (Beth – Twinderelmo)


Sharing some blog love

A blog post I have loved this week

I loved Just Saying Mum’s post reflecting on her teens sitting together watching old videos and reminiscing about when they were small and she was a less-confident parent. Reading her words about how she has grown in that time, and gone from β€œtrying to be a mummy” to just being Mummy is so encouraging – especially for a mummy who has many days when she feels like she’s winging this whole parenthood malarkey!



An inspiring message

I loved this picture shared by Beta Mummy on her Facebook page – such an important reminder of why we should teach our children to love others.


A photo that made me smile

This photo from @sands_heard of her two girls blowing confetti stars is just magical.


Sometimes even the most simplest things like blowing star confetti can be a magical experience.

A photo posted by Sandy (@sands_heard) on


If you have any stories about being on the receiving end of an act of kindness that you’d like me to include in a future blog post, please feel free to email them to me at louise @ littleheartsbiglove.co.uk or fill in the form here.

Cuddle Fairy
Share the Joy linky at LizzieSomerset.com

23 thoughts on “#withkindnessandlove 2 – stories of kindness and sharing some blog love

  1. It is so lovely to see that there is so much love and good out in the world. Thanks for including me. It still almost three years on makes me so grateful for good friends x

    1. Thank you – I’m looking forward to sharing stories throughout the year, it’s so lovely to read them! I loved that photo of your girls πŸ™‚

    1. I do too – that’s why I wanted to do this as my challenge for the year – a little kindness goes a long way πŸ™‚

  2. I just love this Louise. How kind of your bin men to do that for you, ours did the same for us once and it was when my husband couldn’t walk and I was looking after him as well as the kids at home, I was so grateful and they had no idea how much it helped. Love that photo from insta, really magical.

    1. Thank you Nat – so glad that your bin men did the same for you. It’s just a little thing but it’s so helpful πŸ™‚

  3. Oh Louise this is such a wonderful idea of a series – just beautifully kind – thank you so much for including my post – it really means a lot xx

  4. This is such a lovely idea for a post series, I love hearing about those little things that really do make such a big difference to people. Our bin men are lovely too – they always wave to Max from their truck (the bin lorry is one of his weekly highlights!) #BloggerClubUK

    1. Thanks Katy. I love that your bin men wave to Max – the bin lorry is quite exciting for little ones, isn’t it? πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you – I loved that drawing – such a great way to get such a positive message across πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Hannah – a little more positivity in the world is definitely a good thing! πŸ™‚

  5. This is so lovely Louise. I adored Helen’s post from Just Saying Mum too – such an honest post I think so many of us can relate to! Thanks so much for sharing with #BloggerClubUK

  6. This is a lovely uplifting series you have here. It’s great to read and see all the lovely kind things out there. #sharethejoylinky

    1. Thank you Helena, I’m enjoying reading all the different stories that have been shared so far πŸ™‚

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