Do you want to build a scarecrow?

I’ve never attempted to build a scarecrow before but when I spotted on Facebook that a nearby farm shop was organising a community fundraising day to build a scarecrow and help raise funds for CalAid, I thought it sounded like fun.  Family time together plus doing something for a good cause – what wasn’t to like?  They were also collecting clothes for the refugees in the Calais jungle which was very handy as I’d just had a big clear-out.

Sophie standing next to the scarecrow we built - "Do you want to build a scarecrow?"

Some of the donated clothes that weren’t going to be sent to the refugees had been laid out on a table and the girls had fun choosing what our scarecrow was going to wear.  We made the head and arms out of a pair of tights stuffed with bubble wrap and attached it to a big stick.  The next step was to stuff the clothes with straw and use string to tie them all together.

Sophie and Jessica choosing the clothes for our scarecrow

Sophie stuffing bubble wrap into tights to make the arms of our scarecrow

We soon discovered that the weight of the straw meant that the legs and body of our scarecrow kept sliding down the pole.  We tried using string, or creating a “seat” for the scarecrow using bubble wrap, but soon realised that what we needed was some means of supporting the arms.  We decided to go for the traditional approach of pushing a second stick through the arms and attached it across the top one which was much easier said than done!  In hindsight I think perhaps it would have been much easier if we’d created the frame for the scarecrow first!

Jessica stuffing straw into the body of our scarecrow

Hubby trying to stop our scarecrow from sliding down the pole

Having finally managed to secure our scarecrow to the sticks, it was time to create a face.  Jessica had fun drawing the eyes, nose and mouth on to our scarecrow and decided that we were going to name her Lily.

Me, hubby, Jessica and Sophie with "Lily" our finished scarecrow

We didn’t win the competition for best scarecrow but we certainly had a lot of fun making her and it was good to know that we were helping a good cause at the same time!


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


49 thoughts on “Do you want to build a scarecrow?

  1. Well done on a great family effort. You definitely need to start with the frame next time. We are scarecrow experts, they are a bit of a thing in our village and we have made lots for bonfire parties. Having a chair to sit your scarecrow on often helps the support too. a great fundraising idea and I love the final mish mash of designs and colours.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

    1. Thanks Fiona – a chair sounds like a good plan and we will definitely start with the frame if we make another scarecrow!

  2. Hi Louise, there can’t be much better ways to spend a few hours. Having fun and raising money for a good cause. Sophie looks like she could have a future in scarecrow making she looks so stuck in there! Lovely photos too.


  3. Such a fabulous team effort and one you’ll all remember with fondness. Love that this was for such a great cause too!

  4. This is such a lovely team effort and I’m in awe of your creative and clever result – what a wonderful cause too! I’m sure you’ll all remember this occasion with fondness for a long time.

  5. What a great family activity to do – looks like lots of fun – and a fantastic fund-raising exercise. I have never had the opportunity to make a scarecrow….it looks trickier than you think. Love Lily’s tight. Very colourful. #countrykids

  6. Oh this looks like so much fun, I’m going to have a go at making one with the girls one day. I think you did really well to make it in the end if it didn’t quite go to plan!

    1. Thanks Nat – I think it helped that hubby and I are both quite stubborn and were both determined to find a way to fix the scarecrow! 🙂

    1. It was a lot of fun – we didn’t expect that we would win but we definitely had fun trying! 🙂

  7. This looks like a fabulous family time. Everyone can join in and wonderful to be raising money too. She looks quite a character and taller than I imagined. It would be me changing the structure too. Hindsight. Wonderful thing. #CountryKids

    1. Thanks Cheryl – she really was quite huge! Hindsight is a wonderful thing – at least we’ll know what to do next time! 🙂

  8. We’ve never built a scarecrow and would love to try to build one too. This looks so much fun! Loving the photos of the girls, looks like they enjoyed it so much too 🙂 #countrykids

  9. Ah I love this, and was I the only one who wanted to burst into a certain Frozen song reading the top line?? #CountryKids

    1. Thanks Sherry – not at all, we were singing it with the word “scarecrow” on the way to the fundraising day! 🙂

  10. Love this post, not only does it make me want to see the song from Frozen with scarecrow instead of snowman… its a great idea of something to do in half term.

    Coming along from #CountryKids…

    1. Thanks Sonia – we were singing the song with the word “scarecrow” all the way there! 🙂

  11. I love seeing scarecrows out in villages as we drive through. Our own doesn’t do one. I’m impressed with yours – great for getting the whole family involved. #countrykids

    1. Thank you – hope you have fun making one for the allotment if you get a chance to do so in Spring 🙂

    1. Thank you Emma – I never thought we would win but it was just so much fun to take part 🙂

  12. What a great autumn activity and what a great way to engage families in such a deserving charitable collection. We’ve just had a winter rucksack collection full of essentials for refugee children at the school where I teach and we’ve had a fab response.
    David – Potty Adventures

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