With the weather becoming colder and greyer, we’ve not been out and about so much – other than travelling to various groups and classes, or going shopping. One of the things I love about trying to join in with Country Kids most weeks is that it really does encourage me to make sure I do arrange some outdoor activities with the girls – I know I like to semi-hibernate this time of year but given the girls have wellies, warm clothes and all-in-one waterproofs, there really is very little excuse not to get out and about still.
Today was cold but dry and seemed a good opportunity to head out to Black Park for a walk around the pond. Black Park is quite a popular place for filming and it seemed today was one of the days when it was taking place as there were lots of trailers and a catering truck in the car park. The filming must have been going on in a different area to where our walk took us though as we didn’t see any sign of it other than the car park trailers.
There were hardly any other walkers about but we did pass another family with two small girls on our way in. I love the way small children greet each other so enthusiastically and Jessica made me chuckle with the way she greeted the other two girls with “Hello girlies!”
We started our walk by the duck pond. Mummy had forgotten to bring some food for the ducks but Jessica was quite happy just to stand and watch them for a while. There were several Mandarin ducks on the pond which I’d not seen before – very pretty ducks. As the sky was looking quite ominous, we headed around the pond and made a beeline for the café for some lunch – although thankfully the rain stayed away.
No trip to Black Park would be complete without a visit to the playground and we made our way there after we had had our lunch. We hadn’t been here since before Sophie started walking so this was the first time that she was able to wander about and explore. She was a bit tired so mostly was quite happy to sit and play whilst Jessica ran about, loving the fact that she had the entire playground to herself!
On the way back, Sophie was content to just sit in the buggy and watch the world go by whilst Jessica enjoyed finding holly and collecting leaves. As for me, I felt so much better for having made the effort to get out in the fresh air for a lovely walk and time with the girls – must remember that more often when tempted to give in to the urge to hibernate!
It’s so easy to give in at this time of year, and Country Kids is largely responsible for making sure I get out with the kids at least once each week (outside school runs and errands!) and do something fun 🙂 Love the photos of your two at the park, the last two photos are wonderful x
Thanks Sara, definitely helps to have something encouraging me – we had such a great time, glad Country Kids helps encourage you too x
The girls clearly loved it, it does make you feel better getting out for a bit doesn’t it #CountryKids
Oh yes, definitely good to get out in the fresh air 🙂
A bit of fresh air really helps to clear out the cobwebs that build up from a week of hibernating I find! I’m so glad it’s my linky that gives you the motivation to get out and explore. I love the happy faces on the girls as they explore the different areas of the park. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.
Oh yes, definitely helped to blow the cobwebs away and thank you for helping encouraging me to get out. The girls loved being out in the fresh air. Lovely to link up to Country Kids again 🙂
They both look so snuggly and warm! I know what you mean about Country Kids prompting you to get out, too – it’s lovely x
Thank you – yes it is lovely to have that prompt and the girls loved being out and about as a result 🙂
We love parks to ourselves…. cold and dry days are the best. When your prepared, the girls don’t look cold at all, and look pleased they are out. 🙂 That bird is gorgeous! #countrykids
Thanks Stacey – it was lovely to have the park to ourselves 🙂
Oh my goodness Black Park is one of my favourite places in the world! I live in Margate now but I grew up in Middx and we were always having days out there, especially in the beautiful autumn. Such a lovely surprise to stumble upon it on your blog! 🙂
Ah glad it brought back some lovely memories for you. It’s not too far away for us and it is a lovely place to go for a walk every now and then 🙂
Looks like a lovely beautiful walk. How great they had the playground to themselves too. Lots os fun!
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Thank you – we had a lovely time. Lovely to link up to #LetKidsBeKids again – hope you have a lovely Christmas x