Last weekend I enjoyed an amazing couple of days at Britmums Live – meeting up with lots of fab fellow bloggers and attending some very interesting sessions. I even ended up being wrapped from head to toe in toilet roll as part of a successful Guinness World Record attempt to make the most mummies by wrapping people in toilet paper in three minutes (our final total was 51 beating the previous world record by just one). I had a wonderful time but what really surprised me was that instead of inspiring me to take my blog further, it did the exact opposite. Instead of coming home determined to be the best blogger I could be, I realised that what I really wanted was to take a big step backward and focus on being the best mummy I could be instead.
I’ve had a few days of trying to switch off more and focus on giving my children my full attention instead of being distracted by social media all the time and it’s been wonderful. I’m seeing more of the little things that I was often too distracted to notice before, getting more cuddles and kisses from my girlies and really just enjoying the moment without trying to capture it in some way. I’ll still be blogging, but I’m taking the pressure off myself and focusing on what matters most to me – my two beautiful girls.
Out and About
We had a lovely afternoon with Nanny at Chiltern Open Air Museum on Sunday. For me, the highlight of the day was seeing my mum showing the girls how to skip with the skipping rope! Not something I would have expected to see but she clearly loved it and the girls did too!
Jessica took part in her first ever sports day yesterday and I was so proud of her. She might have come last in every race she entered but she crossed the finish line with a big smile on her face, announcing “Look, Mummy, I’m the winner!” and to me, that’s exactly what she is.
Fun at home
Grandma and Grandad came over one afternoon. We enjoyed sitting out in the garden in the sunshine while the girls had fun playing.
Sophie’s been having fun at bedtime over this last week. We’ve had a few marathon sessions of trying to get her to go to sleep. She likes to do a few laps of the cot, followed by a session of cot gymnastics and finishing with singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to herself before she finally gives in and decides it really is bedtime!
Time for me
It was wonderful to have two days for myself and go to Britmums. I really enjoyed the Instawalk from the London Eye to the Brewery (although did regret wearing shoes with a bit of a heel!) and met some lovely bloggers along the way including the lovely Dawn from Dear Mummy and Sarah from Run, Jump, Scrap. It was lovely to catch up again with Mel from Le Coin de Mel, Stacey from Mummy M’s Memories and Tracey from Mummyshire. I also got to meet lots of other lovely bloggers for the first time including Reneé from Mummy Tries, Fiona from Coombe Mill, Sara from Mum Turned Mom, Sophie from Sophie is…, Fiona from Free Range Chick, Sam from And Then The Fun Began, Lisa from Mummascribbles, Tim from Slouching Towards Thatcham and Jane from Our Little Escapades. I even got to meet the Twirlywoos (Jessica and Sophie were quite excited about that one!) I chatted to so many lovely people that it is impossible to name them all but I had a wonderful time even if what I took away from it wasn’t what I expected to!
On the blog
I have a giveaway running on the blog for an A4 personalised character print which will be running for a couple of weeks – you can enter here if you’d like the chance to win one.
The second post in my Parenting Pep Talk series featured the lovely Sarah from Run, Jump, Scrap sharing her happy moments and words of encouragement and advice.
My happiest moment
The squeals of excitement and look of joy on my girls’ faces when I got home on Saturday evening. Those little shouts of “Mummy, Mummy!” were the most wonderful sounds in the world.
Next week I would like to…
Continue to enjoy spending time with my babies!
You’ve certainly had a busy week, and a lovely one by the sound of it. I wish I’d gone to britmums live. I went last year and loved it. Perhaps next year.
Thank you – it has been a lovely week 🙂
Sounds like you have had a good week, and I hope you get to have another fab week with your girls! I love the pictures looks like you had a great time at Britmums =)
Thanks Jenni – have really enjoyed focusing more on time with the girls and it was nice to have that time to myself too at Britmums 🙂
Oh, that is a wonderful word. I’m glad that you took something so positive away from Britmums, even if it wasn’t what you expected it to be. Sounds like you’ve been having a lovely week with your girls, and I love the joy on Jessica’s face at her sport’s day! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
Thanks Jocelyn – refocusing on what really matters to me was definitely a very good thing to take away from Britmums and I’ve so enjoyed taking that step back and focusing on spending time with the girls. Lovely to link up to #WotW again 🙂
Well done to Jessica on her first sports day! She looks very proud of her medal!
Thanks Karen – she kept it on all day and kept telling me that she was a winner – it was lovely! 🙂
Aaaàh such a fabulous #wotw. It is great when you take a step back cause then you realise exactly what you might have glad to hear you has a great time at Britmums.xx
Thank you – I’ve enjoyed taking that step back this week 🙂
This post made me a bit teary knowing you and your love and dedication to your girls *ignore me, just having a moment!*
Also that grandma was so keen to get involved with the girls and show them how skipping is really donw! That’s just lovely
I know what you mean about trying to keep up with the blog and social media and enjoying family life. If little mister wasn’t in nursery I don’t think I could fit it all in!
Have a wonderful weekend enjoy it xx xx
Thank you Tracey – it’s been a lovely week focusing on just enjoying time with the girls and I feel so much happier for taking the pressure off myself. Hope you have a lovely weekend too x
I thought your post about BritMums was fab and I’m so glad you have had that time with the girls. That picture of Jessica on sports day is goregous!! I bet you wanted to burst with pride. It was so lovely to meet you hopefully will see you again soon xxx #wotw
Thanks Sarah – have really enjoyed it and was so proud of Jessica yesterday, she did so well! Was lovely to meet you at Britmums – really enjoyed chatting to you and doing the Instawalk together 🙂
Aww lovely post!It’s lovely to take time out and just focus on the kids isn’t it!Fab pics too x #wotw
Thank you – I’ve really enjoyed taking that step back 🙂
Glad yiu had a lovely week!
Thank you 🙂
It was so lovely to see you briefly. I am so glad that you got something positive from the experience, even if it wasn’t what you expected. Have a great week x
Thanks Aby – was lovely to see you too and I think the weekend just reinforced a lot of what had been simmering below the surface for a while. It feels good to have taken a little step backwards and have been enjoying it more for doing so x
Aww what a lovely read and your Mum rocks for doing skipping rope. One of the few sporty things that I can do too! #wotw
Thanks Merlinda – it was fun to watch my mum doing the skipping rope! 🙂
I think Brit Mums does that to most of us – either turns us into super ambitious pros or makes us re-evaluate what we’re doing and realise changes need to be made. BML happened to coincide with lots of family stuff as you know… Really hope we’ll meet again soon my lovely. Best of luck with your new direction xx
Thank you Renee – was so lovely to meet you and was sorry that your time at Britmums had to be cut short – as you say though, these things do make us re-evaluate what we’re doing one way or another. Have been enjoying having the break though 🙂
Sounds like a good week #happydays
Thank you Debbie, it was a lovely week 🙂
Aww! It is nice to take a step back from the blog a bit…Sounds like a lovely week x
Thanks Kim, have been enjoying having a little break! 🙂
It was a fab weekend wasn’t it , I must say at times I felt overwhelmed too. I gave definitely changed my blogging outlook. It’s all about fun for me from now on. Well done Jessica what an amazing achievement xx
I think it is easy to feel quite overwhelmed by it all. Am enjoying taking that step back and hope you enjoy your new blogging outlook too 🙂
What a lovely week! I love spending time with my Nan, such special times. And such a lovely photo of your little girlie on sports day #happydays xx
Thank you – it was a great week and so lovely to see my little girl enjoying her first sports day 🙂
The Mother says – I was gutted not to have met you at BML – you were one of the bloggers that I really wanted to meet. Next year? I’ll be the one at the lindeman’s stand (shocker!) I’ve been to 2 BML’s and I feel exactly the same way. I love blogging but come away always thinking, how can I be a good blogger if I don’t do enough with my child. It kinda re-evaluates things for me. Great post xx
Thank you – have been enjoying having a break and time to refocus. It was a shame that I didn’t get to say hello this year but hopefully I will meet you next time 🙂
Well done for taking a step back from social media etc. to spend more time focusing on your girls. It’s not always an easy thing to do but always well worth it. I try to squeeze all blog stuff into nap times which means I don’t get a lot done anymore but hey, like you said, those extra cuddles and kisses are well worth it. My baby is my priority. 🙂
I’m so jealous of everyone’s Twirlywoo photos – I never did get one. Ahh, maybe year.
Was lovely to see you at Britmums – wish I’d done the instawalk now!!
Thanks for joining in with our #HappyDaysLinky xx
Thanks Jenna – it isn’t easy to try and squeeze it all in when the little ones are asleep is it? It’s been good to take that step back and remove the pressure I’ve been putting on myself. Was lovely to meet you too at Britmums 🙂
Oh Louise that photo of Jessica made me smile so much, you must be so proud of her after everything she has been through! Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x
Thanks Katy – am very proud of her, she will always be a winner in my eyes. Lovely to link up again 🙂
What a fantastic word and a great outlook to have come back from BritMums with. I found I had to take a step back from social media as I was on my phone too much and not enjoying my children. I ten to just blog very early in the morning, if I am up and for a few hours when they go to bed. That’s why I’m so behind on everything lol x
Thanks Jane – it is hard to keep up with it all isn’t it. I tend to do most of my blogging once the girls are in bed but it’s not always easy to get that window of opportunity is it?
Awwww … what a lovely week. Best mummy is definitely a brilliant goal; so much joy in it. Sophie’s bedtime fun seems fab; I suppose little children sometimes just need to tire themselves out, hey. What a lovely group of people you saw at BritMums!
Once I’m done with all my guest post plans, I’d like to join with your new series if you’re looking for people to participate in it 🙂 #CommentLuv
Thank you – would be lovely to have you join in with the Parenting Pep Talk if you’d like to take part. Will send you an email in the next few days with the details 🙂
I simply love reading your blogs. It sets me up for the day. Give the girls big hugs and kisses from me. Love you xxxxxx
Aww thank you so much Maxine. Love you millions, will give the girls big hugs and kisses from Auntie Maxine and hopefully will see you soon xxxx