The Friday Focus 16/10/15

There’s been a change in the weather this week – whilst it’s still been quite sunny and pleasant, there is now a definite chill in the air and Jessica has been heading off to preschool in the mornings wearing her winter coat, hat and gloves. She’s had another week of being quite tired in the afternoons and has had a bit of a cough and cold which is probably contributing to that. Hopefully she’ll have a little more energy again once she is better.

This week's word of the week is "change" - The Friday Focus 16/10/15 - Little Hearts, Big Love

Like many people, change is something that I struggle with, especially when it’s unexpected and not of my making. Sophie deciding to stop breastfeeding this week has been one of those changes. Whilst it’s been slowing down for a while and she’s only been feeding at bedtime and most naptimes, I didn’t think it would happen before her second birthday. She had a feed before her nap on Monday and then at bedtime told me firmly “no booby, Mummy.” I thought it was a one-off but she’s said it each night since. I don’t think I was prepared for quite how sad I would feel about it as I didn’t get emotional when Jessica stopped breastfeeding, probably because I was pregnant with Sophie by that point. Whilst I feel proud that I breastfed Sophie for this long (six months longer than with Jessica), there’s a big part of me that is grieving the end of our breastfeeding journey together.


On the plus side, it will be nice not to have my wardrobe restricted to outfits I can breastfeed in!


Things I have loved this week:

  • A day out at Legoland – just me and my girls. I love going with friends but sometimes it’s also nice to just have a day with it being just the three of us.

A day out at Legoland - The Friday Focus 16/10/15 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Sophie climbing into my lap to give me a big hug and then grabbing my face, looking right into my eyes and saying “I luz you, Mummy!” One of those moments that makes all the challenges that parenting can bring worth every minute!

Clearing out the garden - The Friday Focus 16/10/15 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Managing to have a little afternoon snooze when both of my girls decided to have a nap at the same time – almost unheard of these days!
  • Snuggles on the sofa and watching a Disney film together.


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What Katy Said

26 thoughts on “The Friday Focus 16/10/15

  1. Milestones like these are always such emotional ones aren’t they.
    It sounds like you have had a lovely week though.
    I love the photo of the girls doing a spot of gardening, adorable!
    Have a lovely weekend 🙂 x

    1. Thanks Jayne – it has been a lovely week, although as you say, these milestones are emotional ones! I think I have accepted it a little more this week!

  2. Oh the end of the breastfeeding journey is emotional isn’t it, but you’ve done amazingly with both of your girls. It is such a strong, emotional bonding experience; but you’ve been lead by your daughter and listened to her which is a wonderful thing. But I do know what you mean.
    Oh and how lovely to have an unexpected ‘I Luz You’ – makes you go all wobbly inside!
    Have a lovely weekend and yes, we have our hats and gloves on for school too, although come the afternoon it’s go so warm the Little Shires are trailing the coats along the ground & hats stuffed into bags!
    Much love

    1. Thank you Tracey – it is good to know that Sophie has stopped when she is ready to. The “I luz you” definitely made up for it! 🙂

  3. Taking photographs of the little ones playing, is always easier than asking them to sit still. Great photographs. As the weather changes and the night time draws closer, it can be hard to fill in the time before they go to bed. Thanks for sharing


    1. Thank you John – definitely easier to capture the photos when they are playing together! 🙂

  4. That is a big change, and hard when it wasn’t of your own making either. I remember feeling more sad when Boo stopped, as I felt we’d be losing a bond, but then of course we didn’t, so when Little Man stopped, I was OK with it. They were both the same age, too, so I’d expected it. You have done so well feeding for that long – enjoy the less limited wardrobe now! Oh, the ‘I luz you, Mummy!’ moments are the very best 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thanks Jocelyn – I have gone out today and bought myself a new non-breastfeeding-friendly dress just because I could! 🙂

    1. Thanks Karen – always good to get outside and helps to take my mind off the emotional side of things too!

    1. Thanks Kim – keep reminding myself that we did well to get so far, feeling a little less emotional about it this week.

  5. Stopping breast feeding is bitter sweet. It must be sad to stop, especially with no warning, but its also good because it means your little girl is growing up 🙂 Sounds like a productive week – decluttering and gardening! #HappyDays

    1. Thanks Debbie – the lack of warning I think was what made it so hard, but it’s good to know that Sophie stopped because she was ready to do so.

  6. Aww what a strange feeling coming to the end of breastfeeding but nice Sophie has just stopped by herself with no fuss. It has definitely got colder this week – my coat has come out but I do quite like it. The pictures of your week are gorgeous and a big winner on getting a nap! xx #happydays

    1. Thanks Sarah – I do keep reminding myself that she has stopped because she is ready to and it is good that she has done it herself.

  7. Quite a productive week – love that gardening picture of your girls – and like you say, the wardrobe restrictions are no longer there and it sounds as Sophie’s quite a determined young lady – definitely something to embrace x #wotw

    1. Thanks Stephanie – she certainly is a determined little lady and I’ve embraced the changes this week and bought myself a new dress that is definitely not breastfeeding friendly! 🙂

  8. Change is in the air here too. Major milestones like this always make me melancholy too. There will be many more special moments, your girl still needs you and obviously loves you. Such a tender moment looking into your eyes, how lovely! #happydays

  9. How funny she just stopped like that byt yay for being able to wear what you want! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  10. It’s so emotional when they reach these milestones isn’t it. You are so aware that that are growing up and you are so proud but you wonder at the same time where your baby has gone!
    They looks so industrious in the garden!

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