43 thoughts on “My Sunday Photo 19/06/16

  1. We don’t take our kids to the beach often enough – definitely something we need to do more, as you did here! Living in the middle of the country, eh?

    1. I think this might only be the third time the girls have ever been – I do envy people who live nearer the sea, especially in the summer!

  2. That is such a lovely photo… splashing about and enjoying themselves.
    It obviously was warmer where you are than here!
    Happy Father’s Day… enjoy!

    1. Thank you Neesie – we were lucky with the weather, it wasn’t as bad as the forecast had predicted.

    1. Thanks Jenni – it’s difficult when you live more in the middle of the country though, isn’t it?

    1. Thanks Sarah – he wasn’t all that bothered about getting his trousers wet – they soon dried off in the sunshine 🙂

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