I was recently nominated by Squirmy Popple (thank you!) in the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. It’s been a little while since I’ve joined in with one of these awards and I always love to read the different questions and responses from them and learning more about the bloggers behind the blog. Here are the answers to the questions I was given by Squirmy Popple:
1. You have a full day to yourself – what do you do?
Blitz the house and have a mega clear out of the clutter.
2. What is your weirdest habit?
I pick at my eyebrows and pull the hairs out when I’m bored or nervous.
3. What has been your most embarrassing parenting moment?
Probably flashing Father Christmas in hospital for Jessica’s first Christmas. We had just been transferred to high dependency from intensive care and I was midway through expressing when Father Christmas arrived on the ward. I was so keen to get a photo of him standing over Jessica’s cot that I completely forgot to put my boob away and didn’t notice it until after he had gone!
4. What do you think is the most difficult thing about blogging?
Finding time to do everything! Writing posts is such a small part of it – it’s the social media and commenting that takes a lot of time and I often end up playing catch up.
5. Which film have you watched the most number of times?
The Sound of Music – it’s my favourite ever musical. I have no idea how many times I’ve seen it but it’s a lot!
6. What do you think is the biggest issue facing mothers today?
Not having a genuine choice about whether to work or stay at home (or do a bit of both). I know lots of mums who would like to stay home more but can’t and others who would like to go back to work but aren’t able to do so. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the potential options were viable choices?
7. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
Last week on the beach with my twin sister where we were mucking around with the kids and I decided to throw myself head first down the hole they’d dug.
8. Where do you see yourself in five years?
I’m too scared to look that far ahead. All I would ask is that my family is still complete.
9. What’s your big fat hairy audacious goal for your blog?
I don’t have one! Just happy to blog and enjoy the ride.
10. Tea or coffee?
Coffee mostly but if I’m stressed or upset, then it has to be tea.
I’m not going to nominate anyone specifically to join in with this award, but if you’ve enjoyed reading my answers to the questions and would like to answer the same questions yourself, please feel free to consider yourself tagged. If you do join in, let me know – I’d love to read your answers.
I like the “embarrassing story” about Santa Claus who saw a bit more that he actually wanted!
I love your answers, especially number 6 – I totally agree that mothers don’t have a genuine choice. There’s a lot of pressure to do it all, but at the end of the day something has to give, and it can be really hard to make that decision.