64 thoughts on “Silent Sunday

  1. How sweet is this? Love the contrast between her light dress and the dark(ish) woods and bluebells. x

  2. A wondering cutie. I like the pattern on her dress, I’ve never seen that before. A peaceful walk among the little purple flowers. I hope you guys are having a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Leslie – I love her dress and she had fun exploring 🙂

    1. Thank you Fiona – I love her dress too and the bluebell wood was a beautiful place for a walk 🙂

    1. Thank you Mary – I have lovely childhood memories of woodland walks too 🙂

    1. Thank you Lisa – think we just caught them in time – they were starting to look a little tired.

    1. Thank you Laura – I love that dress too and the bluebell wood was so pretty 🙂

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