From the mouths of babes #20

Listening to little ones chatter is one of my favourite things. When they’re little, it’s like they have their own language and whilst you can occasionally interpret the odd word here and there, it seems mostly undecipherable. Hearing them come out with new words for the first time and the delightful way that they are misprounounced is adorable. Later on there are moments when the stream of conversation seems endless and the question “why?” a constant one. There are funny moments, adorable moments and embarrassing moments as children rarely feel the need to filter what they’re saying.


From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the times they repeat something they perhaps shouldn’t or say exactly what they think, learning a new word for the first time – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!


A big thank you to everyone who linked up last week. I loved Le Coin de Mel’s family update, especially Jumpy sending Daddy to the naughty step and Crevette and his friend walking around with empty cans of soft drink and sulking because they were “playing teenagers”! Writing Bubble shared her struggle to interpret Toddlerese and decided that biscuit distraction was easier than answering the eventual translation of “Where. The. Potted. Owl?”

Making Memories - From the mouths of babes #20 - Little Hearts, Big Love

I’m always amazed by Jessica’s ability to remember things and every so often she’ll start talking about something that happened some time ago and start describing it in a way that makes me realise that her memories of the event are quite clear ones. She was recently chatting to Nanny on the phone about her latest trip to Legoland with her friend and the conversation moved on to various other days out that she has been on.


First up, was her trip to CBeebies Land back in August last year:

Jessica: “I go CBeebies, Nanny. I did Meet the Veggies. And Mr Bloom was there.”
Me: “Yes, he was, darling.”
Jessica: “Mike the Knight was there. We watched Mike the Knight.”
Me: “We did.”
Jessica: “And I did a poo. Mummy changed my nappy.”


Ummm… well yes, quite possibly that’s what happened next. Can’t say I remember that particular part of the day but it was clearly significant from Jessica’s perspective.


Then it was back to our recent trip to Legoland again…

“Nanny, we go Legoland. There was a train. A blue train. And a boat, but I doesn’t go on boat. I scared. I not like tunnel.”


…before switching to our trip to Peppa Pig world from last June…

“And we went Peppa Pig. I went on helicopter up high!”


…and finally finishing with going to see In the Night Garden Live (also June last year):

“I watch In the Night Garden. Is dark. Igglepiggle watching me. He lost his blanket. And dey all go to sleep. Na-night. And I have cuddles with Igglepiggle.”


It’s good to know that our days out are memorable!


If you’d like to share your posts about something your children have said (or sung!), then please add the badge code below and link up with me. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.

Looking forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.


Little Hearts, Big Love

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10 thoughts on “From the mouths of babes #20

  1. Oh I really love your Linky, Louise! It never fails to make me smile. Chikdren have an impressive memory from a very young age, haven’t they? It always amazes me that tiny people can recall things that happened months (sometimes a year or 2) ago. Jessica has obviously loved your days out. Meeting the veggies, cuddling Igglepiggle and doing a poo were obviously memorable to her, bless!
    Thanks for featuring my post!

    1. Thank you Mel, so glad that you like my linky and love having you join in. It always amazes me just how much Jessica remembers things and lovely to hear her talking about those memories 🙂

  2. Tee hee – I love the way that doing a poo was as significant as seeing Mr Bloom and Mike the Knight! You must have had some great days out for her to remember so much about them. Thanks for mentioning my post – he was talking about potted owls again yesterday and my eldest interpreted it as a reference to Harry Potter’s Owl! Who knows if he’s right!

    1. It did make me chuckle that the poo was so significant to her! How funny that your toddler is still talking about potted owls but I can see how it might be related to Harry Potter! 🙂

  3. Fab post! Love reading your latest Jessicaisms and how amazing that she can recall trips from last year!! Sounds like you had a fun year too….I’d love to take Bella to Peppa Pig workd and Cbeebies land she’d ;ove it!

    1. Thank you – it is quite amazing how much she remembers but just goes to show how much she enjoyed those days out. Would definitely recommend Peppa Pig World and CBeebies Land – we’ve had a fab time at both 🙂

  4. Aw bless her. It’s great that she remembers these things. Although worryingly that she can remember doing a poo lol. Thanks for hosting.

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