Party in the Park

With the local recreational ground being just a few minutes’ walk from our house, it is impossible to miss when Party in the Park is on in the summer. Our road is full of parked cars and we can hear the music from the stage from inside the house (lovely during the day when we can sit in the back garden and enjoy it, but not quite so lovely at bedtime as it does make it a little harder to encourage the children to sleep).

Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big Love

Sunshine, upbeat music, fairground rides, face painting, hog roasts and ice cream and various other attractions sounds like an ideal way to spend a summer afternoon and so off we headed to the park to have some fun.

Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big Love

Unsurprisingly, Jessica made a beeline for the face painting wanting to have her face painted “like a princess” – as you can see, she was very happy with the end result!

Face painting at Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big LoveFace painting at Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big Love

We had a wander around the funfair and the girls enjoyed a ride with Mummy on the spinning teacups.

A ride in the spinning teacups at Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big Love

Jessica had her very first pony ride although was very unsure about it and wanted to hold on to Mummy’s hand all the way around. Something tells me that she won’t be asking me for riding lessons any time soon!

All ready for a pony ride at Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big LoveFirst pony ride at Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big Love

Sophie was mostly just happy to wander around and watch everything that was going on. For her, the highlight seemed to be stopping off at the playground on the way home.

Enjoying the playground at Party in the Park  - Little Hearts, Big Love

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

14 thoughts on “Party in the Park

  1. This looks such a fun day and a lovely party atmosphere in the sun I’m sure. I adore the girls dresses, they are so pretty, I really miss being able to dress Clio in anything like this now, they are at such an adorable stage that all your outings look wonderful! Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

    1. Thanks Fiona – I do love being able to put the girls in pretty dresses – making the most of it while they still let me! 🙂

  2. OMGosh! The girls look beautiful in their pretty dresses! You are so lucky to have this event nearby and the range of activities too. Love the pony riding and the wonderful face painting! It definitely was a ‘Party in the Park’ x #CountryKids

    1. Thank you – we are very lucky to have something like this so close to us and we had a lovely afternoon 🙂

  3. This sounds and looks like a fab day! I love the girls’ matching frocks too 🙂 I can’t wait to take S on a donkey – I can’t decide if he will love it or totally freak out! Wonderful that you have something like this so close to your house too – parks have become the centre of my world since becoming a mum!

    1. Thanks Yvette – I thought Jessica would love it but she wasn’t too sure at all! Love spending time at the parks – definitely agree with them becoming the centre of your world after you become a mum! 🙂

  4. Lovely afternoon! Their matching dresses are gorgeous, and the smile on Jessica’s face when she saw the face paint is priceless. Looks like a great event, and I quite like the thought of being able to hear the music, although granted, that’s not so great at bedtime!

    1. Thanks Sara – it was lovely to be able to hear the music from the house – thankfully the girls were quite tired after wandering about in the sunshine and didn’t fight sleep for too long!

  5. Looks like you had a lovely time, love their little dresses they are so cute. Monkey still hasn’t had his face painted as I am worried about ecezma but may have to try it soon xx #CountryKids

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