Parenting Pep Talk is an occasional series of guest posts all about encouraging other parents by sharing some of our happy moments, the advice that has worked for us and some positive words of encouragement.
Today’s post is a little different – focusing on some positive moments from Annie, who is expecting her first baby and blogs at Grown Up Glamour. Annie is sharing some of the advice and happy moments from her pregnancy. Here’s a little more about Annie:
My name is Annie. I’m a mid 20’s wife and soon-to-be first time momma. My blog, Grown Up Glamour, features pieces from me (and other resilient women) as I attempt to find balance in my grown up life. When I’m not working at my desk job, I can be found lounging on a cottage dock, scrambling my feelings across a page, or dragging my husband, dog and now baby-belly on a spontaneous adventure. It is my hope in my writing to inspire, empower and help other women find joy and peace within themselves and their lives. When women support one another, incredible things can happen.
1) Tell us a little bit about you and your family.
Outside of my parents and younger brother, my family consists of my husband, Dave and 10 pound pup, Louie. Dave and I were married in October of 2015 after 4 years of dating. Due to my polycystic ovarian syndrome, we were told we would need fertility treatments if we were not pregnant after 6 months of trying. In November 2015 after one month of trying, we conceived our first child – and were completely surprised!
2) How would you describe your pregnancy journey so far?
Pregnancy thus far has been a wild ride. Between the shock of easy conception, all day “morning” sickness, food aversions and complete exhaustion, every expectation I’ve had about pregnancy has gone out the window. My first trimester was rough. I felt guilty for not enjoying the beauty of pregnancy and eventually landed myself in a 6 week depression. My rock-star husband stepped up when I needed him most and accommodated my very demanding needs. Without his support, I’m not sure I could have made it through the first trimester so gracefully (if you can even call it grace). For 12 weeks I envied those unicorn mum’s. The ones who embrace their glow, indulge in their cravings and continue on as if they aren’t growing a human from scratch inside them.
Now in my second trimester, bubbly, happy-go-lucky Annie is making her big return.
3) What are you looking forward to most when your baby arrives and how do you think parenthood will change you?
There are so many things I look forward to once baby arrives but the thing I look forward to most is actually meeting this little peanut! Will they have my husband’s full lips, my round face and our brown eyes. Will they be an intellect and engineer like their Dad or creative and passionate like their Momma? Seeing the love you have for someone duplicated into a little human being truly brings me wonder. Also… I can’t wait to see how my husband and I manage in those first few weeks, it’ll be TV worthy. Wish us luck!
Each person is destined to change in some way when they become a parent. For me change started the day I found out I was pregnant. It has made me see the world in a way I’ve never imagined. It has made me love and worry in ways I never thought capable. It has changed my priorities, my values and my life intentions. Parenthood has made me see my husband in a new light and value his strength and optimism. At the end of the day I believe parenthood will change me constantly. It will change my relationships, it will change the way I love, and it will change my interactions with the world. And, Mom and Dad get ready to say “I told you so”, it has provided me with a whole new level of appreciation for my parents.
4) What piece of advice have you been given that you found especially helpful?
I’ve found people often warn me about how my life will change once baby comes along:
“Sleep while you can”
“Enjoy time with your husband while you can”
You know the drill. To me, it all seems so negative.
One friend told me about the other things parents should be warned about:
“You’ll experience love in a way you never imagined”
“You will see your husband in a new light and love him immensely for it”
“Your heart will explode the first time you see your baby”
Those are the things I find most helpful.
Parenting is hard and I have yet to do it, but I’m not oblivious to the commitment and change in lifestyle I’m about to embark on. What I am oblivious to however is the feelings of love I’m about to experience. Knowing that each tough moment is worth it, is especially helpful.
5) What one piece of encouraging advice would you give to another parent expecting their first baby?
Momma’s – be patient with yourself. You’re growing a human being for goodness sake. Your body is changing, your hormones are all over the place, you may not feel quite like yourself – that’s okay! It’s normal! Between the mood swings, binge eating, and naps, be sure the take some time to appreciate yourself and support systems in your life.
Dad’s – be patient with your wife re: everything I noted above. Even if she may not say it, she appreciates you. Try to pick up around the house without being asked. Surprise her with dinner every once and awhile or throw in a load of laundry now and then. A little extra around the house will go a long way. I promise.
6) Can you share one of your favourite moments of expecting a baby?
Hands down my favourite moment thus far in our pregnancy has been seeing our baby for the first time on an ultrasound. Our little peanut was only 6 weeks along, but it’s little heart was beating strongly. My husband and I both awed at our child with tears in our eyes. It will be a moment I will never forget.
7) Anything else that you would like to share to encourage other expectant parents?
If you’re going through the first trimester rut that I was going through, I encourage you to read A Letter to My Body During Pregnancy.
You can do this!
All the best on this adventure in your life.
Peace & love,
You can connect with Annie on the following social networks:
Thank you Annie for sharing your words of encouragement, advice and your journey to parenthood so far.
If you’d like to share some of your positive parenting moments on the Parenting Pep Talk, then let me know in the comments below and I’ll email you with more details.
lovely post – love the part about change – so true – I remember feeling so totally and utterly complete and thought I could take on the world – I probably could given half the chance! #coolmumclub
I’m glad you liked reading it! 🙂
That feeling of completeness is so beautiful, isn’t it? 🙂
So interesting to hear this from someone in pregnancy! I would love to see a follow up post baby too at a later date…Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this x
Thanks for your note! I’d love to come back and share an update once little one is here – if Louise will have me :)!
I would love to have you back to share your thoughts after your little one arrives Annie – it would be so interesting to see how your parenthood journey evolves. Thank you for sharing your journey so far 🙂
I love hearing about other people’s experiences because everyone is so different! I’d love to share some of my thoughts if you’ll have me?