From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the glimpses into their imaginations, the blunt observations – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
A big thank you to everyone who linked up last week. I loved Jumpy’s list of the things she loves most and her description of theatre that Le Coin de Mel shared in her family update. I also loved reading Conversation with Hank’s post about helping Molly remember her second birthday – “tea poc” and “yem-a-yem” were my two favourite #ftmob moments from Molly.
Bedtime stories are very much a part of our routine but sometimes Jessica likes to tell her own story instead. Her current favourite story to tell us is Little Red Riding Hood – but Jessica’s version is somewhat different to the standard fairy tale version. Little Red Riding Hood heads into the woods to visit her Nanny but on the way, instead of encountering a wolf, she meets a dinosaur. The dinosaur goes ahead of her, finds Nanny’s house and eats Nanny up, then gets into bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
“Nanny, what big eyes you have! ‘All the better to see you with!’ “
“Yes but what big ears you have! ‘All the better to hear you with!’ “
“Nanny, what a big tail you have! ‘All the better to push you with! “
The dinosaur gobbles up Little Red Riding Hood but a fireman comes along in his fire engine and chops up the dinosaur and Little Red Riding Hood and Nanny jump out and all ends well.
I’ve heard this story a few times from her now and those little details are always the same. Isn’t the imagination of a child a wonderful thing?
If you have any posts about something that your children have been saying lately, please do come and link up. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). Please add the badge below to your post so others know where they can also link up (the badge code is below). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Looking forward to reading what your little ones have been saying!

Hahaha I think I like her version better 🙂 xxx
Thank you Caroline – I do too! 🙂
Thanks for the mention sweetie. The way she saw the play was really magical. Since then, we’ve been to a couple of shows, and both times, she’s been mesmerised. How lovely of Jessica to make up her own version (with a dinosaur, of course!) of Little Red Riding Hood. Hers is a better version! xx
So glad that Jumpy’s been enjoying seeing shows. I do love Jessica’s version of Little Red Riding Hood 🙂
Awww that’s so cute! I love it – a dinosaur sounds a lot more exciting than a wolf! hehe. Boo loves to make songs up and change the lyrics – I can’t wait to hear her stories too!
Thanks Jenni – it’s so funny when they make up songs and change the lyrics – I love that Boo enjoys doing that 🙂
Ha ha what a brilliant retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, love the way a Fireman comes to save the day.
Thanks Alan – I loved her little changes to the story too 🙂