From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the glimpses into their imaginations, the blunt observations – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
A big thank you to everyone who linked up last week. I loved Life is Knutts‘ 6 year old’s solution ‘to her 8 year’s olds woes with French classes and Life with Baby Kicks’ son shaking the angry away with his “blitter jar” – what a great idea, will definitely be trying it with my 2 year old!
Jessica has decided she is going to have a party, and has been giving Mummy very detailed instructions about what she wants. She starts off with her list of guests and the order in which they will arrive at the party – her best friends H and E will be there first, followed by her friend A and then finally her cousin E will turn up. After that the rest of the guests can arrive in whatever order they like.
“There will be lots of girls and ten boys.”
She’s very definite about that, and about the dress code too. “All the girls will be princesses and all the boys will be pirates.”
I sigh inwardly at the realisation that my daughter has now become aware of gender stereotypes. “Can’t the girls be pirates too? And the boys be princesses if they really want to be?”
Nope. Princesses for girls, pirates for boys. Gender stereotypes 1 Mummy 0
Dress code aside, it seems the important things are covered: “It’s a special dancing party and is far away so we will need to go in the car. We need cake and party bags. And E’s daddy will do all the food.”
Well that saves me a job. Not sure that E’s daddy will be too keen though!
If you have any posts about something that your children have been saying lately, please do come and link up. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). Please add the badge below to your post so others know where they can also link up (the badge code is below). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Looking forward to reading what your little ones have been saying!

It’s funny, no matter how much we may try and be neutral about gender it seeps in! But hey, she’s happy and that’s all that matters!
What a party she’s going to have, and what a challenge for mummy to make it all happen Sounds like she’s getting very excited and I love just how prescriptive she is. Adstone luck, mummy!!
PS it’s been lovely joining in today
It’s definitely something that I’ve noticed creeping in more and more now. It does sound like a fun party – makes me wonder what she might ask for when her birthday comes around again and we really do have a party to plan! Thanks for linking up too – it’s lovely to have you join in 🙂
Aw she knows how to throw a party that’s for sure! It’s amazing how early the princess thing starts isn’t t! #ftmob
Oh yes – we’re all about princesses at the moment! 🙂
Brilliant, sounds like she has a career in party planning ahead of her! It’s hard to keep them away from gender stereotypes isn’t it?xx
She’s certainly very sure of what she wants! The gender stereotypes thing is so tricky – no matter what we do, there is so much out there trying to skew them towards it.
Well, let me know how E’s dad does, and if he’s any good he can cater Stella’s birthday party too 😉
x Alice
Lol, he certainly did a good job at E’s birthday party which is why I think Jessica wants him to do the catering! 🙂
Ooh sounds fab. How cute as well! We need to start planning Sylvia’s 8th birthday in 10 weeks 🙂 So exciting! Thanks for hosting! Angela x
Ooh sounds like fun – good luck with the party planning 🙂
Goodness knows what her wedding plans may be like one day Louise (I know you very much love one day at a time but dare to dream…) – she has a career in event and party planning ahead of her for sure!!
I’m sure you’ll do a great job.xx
Love how kids plan these things. No money restraints…she will ask for a pony as a gift, you wait xx
She certainly knows what she wants Gemma – and it is nice to dream about these things without any annoying things like money restraints getting in the way 🙂
That sounds like a great party – especially if someone else is providing the food 🙂
Someone else providing the food always sounds good to me! 🙂
Haha – Jessica has given a lot of thought to her party! What is it with the princesses, no matter how much you discourage the stereotypes?! #ftmob
She’s certainly got it all planned out! I don’t mind the princesses so much, just keep trying to reinforce the idea that it doesn’t have to be girls = princesses
It’s so sweet that she’s thought about the catering as well as the dress code! They can be so specific at that age, bless her.
I do love all the thought she put into it – it was lovely to listen to her chattering away about it 🙂