From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post about something your children have said. Perhaps they have just started babbling for the first time, or said their first definite word. It could be something cute, or funny, or incredibly embarrassing – whatever it is, I’d love to hear all about it.
Thank you so much to all of last week’s lovely linkers. I really enjoyed reading all the things that your children have been saying – from Hope from a Butterfly’s daughter giving some wonderful directions for getting to a party in Galway (via a most interesting route!) to the adorable toddlerisms that Mummascribbles and Tiddler Tales shared.
Sophie is now starting to really chatter away and I am amazed by how big her vocabulary is at just 15 months old. New words this week are “tick-tock” (clock) and “Peppa Pig”. She makes me laugh when she shouts “get down!” at Jessica when her big sister climbs up on the sofa – a very funny bossy moment which makes a change as usually it is Jessica who is the bossy one!
Yesterday morning I was in the kitchen ironing Sophie’s dress ready for church whilst the girls were playing in the lounge when I heard Sophie say very clearly “I want to get down”. Being the adventurous little climber she is, she had climbed on to the TV table but was unable to get herself down again. It didn’t dawn on me until after I had retrieved her that she had actually said her first sentence! Clever girl!
If you’d like to share your posts about something your children have said (or sung!), then please add the badge code below and link up with me. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Look forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.

Awe clever girl Sophie xx
Thank you Gráinne x
Awww, she is such a clever little lady! =D
Thank you Jenni 🙂
Amazingly advanced for 15 months! Well done Sophie!
Thank you Maddy 🙂
Well done Sophie!, she is adorable x
Thank you Jayne 🙂
Well done Sophie! Here’s to many more sentences over the next few months 🙂
Thank you Reneé 🙂
Aww she is doing so well, Monkey was 2 before we even got started with words really! Clever girl 🙂 xx
Thank you – Jessica was similar to Monkey – Sophie just has a lot to say early on! 🙂