From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post about something your children have said. Perhaps they have just started babbling for the first time, or said their first definite word. It could be something cute, or funny, or incredibly embarrassing – whatever it is, I’d love to hear all about it.
Thank you so much to everyone who linked up last week – I loved reading all your posts and hearing all about the things your little ones have said. I loved Glimmer of Hope’s son singing a song he composed in the bath, the brutal question from Mum Tum Diaries’ toddler asking his dad why he has boobies and the Writing Bubble’s list of all the wonderful mispronunciations and made-up words that her children have used for various things, such as ‘dinsi-raah’ for dinosaur.
I’m sharing a few Jessica-isms this week – those wonderful phrases and mispronounced words that she has come out with.
- ‘Fug’ (frog) – thankfully one she has grown out of – can you imagine it shouted very loudly in a public place? (still cringes at the thought)
- ‘Ko-wa-wa’ (koala) – one of my favourites, and recently grown out of which I am a little sad about.
- ‘Ghee-ha’ (guitar)
- ‘Sofa’ (Sophie) – she now says Sophie although admittedly it does sound a little more like ‘Fo-Fee’
- ‘Soom’ (spoon)
- ‘Seben-ti-teen’ (seventeen) – with an occasionally repeated ‘ti’ in the middle for good measure!
- ‘El-uff’ (elephant)
- ‘Bat-choos’ (batteries) – which always brings up images of sneezing bats in my mind!
- ‘Car park’ (playground) – one which we have been trying hard to correct – playgrounds are generally ok for running around in; car parks definitely are not!
- “Hello, young ladies!” – Jessica’s cheerful greeting to a group of small girls outside preschool last week
- “Look, Mummy, the moon is awake! And the clouds have gone to sleep! Let’s go outside and see! Look, Mummy, lots of little moons!” A somewhat excited reaction on pulling back the curtain and seeing that it was dark outside.
If you’d like to share your posts about something your children have said (or sung!), then please add the badge code below and link up with me. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Look forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.

Such cute Jessica -isms, love them x
Thank you Gráinne and lovely to have you linking up again 🙂
So cute and fab to record all these lovely isms! How sweet she calls Sophie Sofa xxx
Thanks Reneé – it was so cute at the time, there’s a part of me that misses how she used to do that x
Awww they are so cute! I love the thought of Ko wa wa
Thanks Jenni – I love Ko-wa-wa too! 🙂
Love this, especially the ‘hello young ladies’. This weekend Zach came out with ‘that’s alright sweetheart’!! Funny babes! Thanks again for hosting 🙂
Oh bless him, that’s just adorable. Thank you for linking up 🙂
Thanks for featuring my post from last week! I love these Jessica-isms especially bat-choos and fug – tee hee! Also the thing about the clouds going to sleep is adorable. xx
My pleasure – thank you for linking up again. Bat-choos is one of my favourite Jessica-isms at the moment 🙂
Aww what a cutie – I love the Jessica-isms! Monkey has some great ones too – sebentiteen reminded me of biscuityets for biscuits. It used to be cuityets now he has the beginning bit but still has the yets on the end! The moon comment made me chcukle too as the other night we were messing around and saw the moon outside. He asked me what the moon eats then decisively announced that the moon eats smarties lol! xx
Oh I love biscuityets and the moon eating smarties! Children have such wonderful imaginations! 🙂