From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the glimpses into their imaginations, the blunt observations – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
Thank you to everyone who linked up last week. I loved Wave to Mummy’s list of the ways her daughter tries to avoid going to sleep and Conversations with Hank made me chuckle over the “extra” words that Hank and his friends spotted in the word search.
As this week is Heart Week, I’m sharing some of the things Jessica has said in relation to her heart condition. She knows that she has a “special heart” and that she has a “zip” down the front of her chest because the doctors made her poorly heart better when she was a baby. She also knows that her friend K also has a special heart but that’s about the limit of her understanding about her heart. Sometimes I think she gets a little confused as to what all the various tests she has are for though.
Jessica: “Mummy, the doctors made my heart better by putting cream on it.”
Me: “Do you mean the cream that the doctors put on your chest when they have a look at your heart?” (when she has an echocardiogram)
Jessica: “Yes. The doctors look at the bones in my heart.”
Me: “Your heart doesn’t have any bones in it.”
Jessica: “What does my heart have in it?”
Me (trying to think how to explain the anatomy of a heart to a 5 year old): “Err… holes and tubes and blood.”
Jessica: “Do things go in or out of the tubes?”
Me: “Both.”
Jessica: “Oh. Okay. Can I have a biscuit please?”
If you have any posts about something that your children have been saying lately, please do come and link up. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). Please add the badge below to your post so others know where they can also link up (the badge code is below). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Looking forward to reading what your little ones have been saying!

My lot are like this all the time – something serious, moment later food, or play or the like! It’s kinda cute I think.
It’s funny how quickly they move from something serious to something completely different!