After several weeks of hardly seeing hubby at all, it was complete and utter bliss to be able to have our first night out together without any little ones in tow for well over a year. As we headed out, having left both the girls in the safe care of Grandma and Grandad for the evening, I think both of us felt a little weight lift off our shoulders. It was lovely to sit and relax and just chat to each other, laugh together and to not be distracted by our little people (adorable and wonderful though they are).
We were out for a meal with a group of friends – a regular occurrence for us as we all try and meet up for a meal every couple of months or so. Back when it started, none of us had little ones in tow but over the last few years, there have been many times where babies have come along too. This time was the first in a while with just the adults there so other than the occasional moments of phone checking, all the parents were enjoying being able to relax.
It was lovely just to laugh and joke together and to be us for an evening, not just Mummy and Daddy. And after several weeks of feeling like we were ships passing in the night, it was wonderful to spend quality time with my hubby.
This month hubby and I celebrated the anniversary of us getting together. We have gone through so many ups and downs in the last 14 years – the fun and stresses of student life; a period of separation as I moved away to start my first job after university whilst hubby stayed on to do his PhD; finally being together again when hubby started working too; our wonderful wedding day; buying our first house; finding out about Jessica’s heart condition; adding to our family with the arrival of Sophie and the challenges that life with two small children brings. It has been a rollercoaster ride at times but we have got through it together – sometimes it felt like we got through by the skin of our teeth admittedly! – supporting each other, trying to make sure we kept communicating and always, always making sure that not a day went by without us saying “I love you”. Thank you to my wonderful hubby for those 14 years and a lovely night out together last week and thank you to our lovely friend Brian for taking the photos of us.
Joining in with Lucy at dearbeautiful and the Me and You photo project:
Looks like you had a lovely evening, it’s so easy for life to get in the way isn’t it? Happy anniversary and hope you both get another date night soon x
Thank you 🙂
Beautiful photo! Happy anniversary!! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Aww, sounds like you had a lovely time and what great photos =)
Thank you – yes we had a lovely evening 🙂
Ah cute photos! It makes such a difference to get some time together. Happy Anniversary
Thank you – it was wonderful to have a rare opportunity for a night out 🙂
Lovely photos. Happy anniversary of getting together 🙂
Thank you 🙂