To Jessica on her first day at preschool

To my darling little Jessica

Today was a big day for you – a little step into the world of independence as you went to preschool for the very first time. You looked so very grown-up in your preschool jumper. Surely it was only yesterday that you were a teeny tiny baby snuggled up to me. Now you’re a big girl and all excited about going to see the other children at preschool.


I was so proud of you as we approached the gate. You were beaming at everyone and waving to all the other children, saying “hello” to them all as though you’d been going for months. Nobody watching would have thought it was your very first day. You bypassed the cloakroom completely, rushing in to play with the toys, barely stopping still long enough for me to take off your coat and boots and give you a kiss goodbye. There was no need for me to linger. I could see instantly that you were in your element. That you were happy and had no need for me at that moment. A bittersweet moment for Mummy. I am so glad though that you have the self-confidence to take this moment in your stride. My Little Miss Independent.


Jessica in her preschool uniform ready for her first day - "To Jessica on her first day at preschool"


The house seemed quieter this morning without you. The time passed a little more slowly. Sophie enjoyed her one-to-one time with Mummy. We missed your chatter, your singing, your questions and impulsive hugs. But I knew you would be having a wonderful time just a few minutes up the road.


You were all smiles when I came to pick you up at lunchtime. You said that you’d played with the kitchen and with Joshua and Lily and had also gone outside and seen a ladybird. When I spoke to the preschool later, they told me that there wasn’t a Joshua at the preschool (although there was a Lily). They also told me that you’d also played with Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse dress-up figures and had been very chatty. You’d asked for Mummy when you were having a nappy change and said you wanted to cuddle Mummy. On the whole though, you’d been very happy.


Jessica in her preschool uniform ready for her first day

I’m so glad that you enjoyed your first day at preschool. It’s a big milestone on your journey. You have endured so much just to reach this point. You are so self-confident, so loving, sociable and friendly. I pray that you will always be so. It is such a joy to see how much zest for life you have. How wonderful it is to see the world through your eyes, exciting and new, full of wonder and promise. I am so proud to be your mummy and to have had the joy of watching you grow and thrive. I wish time would slow down a little sometimes though. Whilst I love the little girl you are today more than I could ever say, I do also miss the baby and the toddler that you once were.


Well done little one for taking this first step out of Mummy’s world and into your own in your stride. I love you millions and billions.


Lots of love, Mummy xxxx

Linking in with Mum Turned Mom for this week’s The Prompt – “beginnings”


34 thoughts on “To Jessica on her first day at preschool

  1. This is a gorgeous post, Louise, and I’m all teary here now. So pleased that it went well and Jessica enjoyed it. They do grow up so quickly, and whilst I adore seeing the independent and bright girl that Boo is becoming, I do often long for those toddler days back when I had her all to myself again. Oh well, time goes on x

    1. Thank you Jocelyn, was so proud of her but they really do grow up too fast – slow down time, please! 🙂

  2. Aww bless her 🙂 We worry so much about them going off to school and yet by the end of the first day they are practically running the place!

  3. Beautiful post! My little boy went into school full time in September, still adjusting to not having anyone at home!

    1. Thank you – it must seem very quiet without anyone at home now, hope your little boy is enjoying school

  4. Aww, glad Jessica had a good first day. Kara’s first day at preschool was Tuesday (although it’s just a case of her moving up to the preschool room at her nursery) – she also had a great day and came home all smiles. It’s such a relief to know they’re doing well.

  5. Aw that is just so lovely Louise – Jessica really is going to thrive at pre-school and yes, don’t they grow up so quickly?! Beautiful beginning X #theprompt

  6. Such a beautiful letter Louise. I’m so glad that this beginning went so well, for you both. You have every reason to be very proud. Thank you so much for sharing with #ThePrompt xx

    1. Thanks Sara – was so glad she enjoyed herself. Lovely to link up to #ThePrompt again 🙂

  7. She looks so completely happy in those photos! It’s brilliant that she’s taken this new challenge so much in her stride. It is all a bit bittersweet though this growing up business! Feeling it here this week too 🙂 xx

    1. Thank you – so glad that she is enjoying it but it was definitely a bittersweet moment! x

  8. Such a fantastic milestone for your little one. It got be a little teary, especially the part about the house being a bit quieter without her presence. It gets me thinking of when my little girl will be finally be off to school as well; how life will shift at this big change. You captured quiet a special time here. Thank you for sharing!

  9. How cute is she in the jumper?!
    So glad she had a lovely first day. Sometimes I think it’s harder for us as parents to let go than it is for them. Happy New Year xx

  10. Oh my, what a great milestone, I am so glad that Jessica had a great time! She sounds like such an amazing, strong and independent little girl, you must be so proud!
    I can imagine how Jessica’s first day of preschool must have been so full of different emotions for you, you put it so beautifully when you say “Well done little one for taking this first step out of Mummy’s world and into your own in your stride.”
    Such an adventure =)

    1. Thank you – was definitely an emotional day and a very bittersweet one but was so proud of how she just took it in her stride and so glad that she enjoyed it 🙂

  11. It’s amazing how well she did on her first day. It must have made the whole process less stressful. It’s great that she is enjoying it you would hate it if you had to send her there and she wasn’t enjoying it.

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)

    1. Thank you – it did make it easier knowing that she was enjoying it. Lovely to link up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements again, thank you for hosting 🙂

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