Happy New Year! From the mouths of babes is my monthly post capturing some of the things my children say. It originally started as a weekly linky but as this gradually fizzled out, I stopped recording those little sayings and found I missed it. One of the things that I love about my blog is that it has captured so many little moments that I might otherwise have forgotten about. This little round-up is my way of capturing some more of them.
Sophie says…
Daddy took a corner a little too quickly in the car park when we were out Christmas shopping. “Steady on, Daddy!” Sophie exclaimed.
Thomas has had some unsettled nights lately (probably due to teething) which has resulted in Mummy being somewhat frazzled at times. Sophie has picked up one of the songs that gets sung to Thomas at these times:
We’ve had a few offers from extended family members but have decided not to go ahead with the sale for now… he’s a little sweetheart really! 😉
I grew up near Portsmouth and while I have mostly lost my Hampshire accent, occasionally the odd slang word from that area still creeps in. Needless to say, one of these got picked up by Sophie. She was looking at a self-portrait that Daddy had drawn: “Look Mummy, this is Daddy being a dinlow!” [translation – this is Daddy being an idiot]. Oops! It did make me chuckle but was also a good reminder to be careful about what I say when little ears are listening!
Thomas talks…
Thomas is getting quite chatty now. It is lovely to hear him cooing away. He can now let us know if he wants feeding by signing milk at us too.
Memories of Jessica
I miss Jessica’s sweet little voice so much. It made me cry on Christmas morning to open a very special card that hubby got me from our beautiful angel. He’d managed to edit some clips of Jessica to record a special message for me in it. How wonderful it was to hear her little voice saying “love you” once more.
I don’t recall hearing the word “dinlow” before. Thank you for telling us about it. I hope that the English language as spoken in the Portsmouth area is retaining lots of colourful local words and phrases and pronunciations. It’s a shame that in my home town, during the last 40 or 50 years, some features of the local dialect have become rare, and others seem to have become extinct. When we are the heirs to such a rich and varied linguistic tradition, why settle for bland uniformity?
If you do put Thomas up for sale, make sure that the price you set is a fair one. Then nobody could afford to buy him. ;o)
There are certainly some colourful expressions in local dialects and it is interesting to hear how words differ across the country. Children are little sponges for picking up things and it is funny sometimes to hear the things I say coming from Sophie.