From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the glimpses into their imaginations, the blunt observations – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
A big thank you to everyone who linked up last week. Domesstique’s posts about the things that her daughter has said always makes me chuckle but Olivia’s comment about “little girl, little brain, no space to remember many things” was a favourite of mine last week. I could definitely identify with Writing Bubble’s Jekyll-and-Hyde moments of life with a toddler and her description of toddlers being like Marmite was perfect.
We’ve been spending the last week with my twin sister and nieces and the four cousins have been having a wonderful time together. My nieces call me “Auntie Twinny” and when Jessica arrived, my twin sister also became an “Auntie Twinny”. When Jessica was a toddler, I tried to get her to say “Auntie Twinny” one day when I was talking to my sister on the phone and she kept saying “Auntie Fizz” instead. It was only later on, when we were watching the Tweenies and Jessica said “Watch Fizz!” that I realised she thought I was saying “Auntie Tweenies” and her word for the Tweenies at that time was “Fizz” (her favourite character). My sister has been Auntie Fizz every since!
Do your children have any funny nicknames for family members? I’d love to hear how they came about.
If you have any posts about something that your children have been saying lately, please do come and link up. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). Please add the badge below to your post so others know where they can also link up (the badge code is below). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
I’m linking up my monthly siblings posts this week which shares a few more of my favourite #ftmob moments from my girls.
Looking forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.

Ah that’s so cute!My daughter calls her uncle Unky Justin x #ftmob
Oh I love Unky Justin – that sounds adorable 🙂
Haha – love ‘Auntie Fizz’! Mine gets the names right, but is currently insisting on calling her uncles ‘Aunty’. They’re enjoying that! #ftmob
Lol, well she’s on the right lines at least…! 🙂
You give family members nicknames and when kids arrive, they give them new nicknames. Love that! Auntie Fizz is a cute nickname! When Crevette was little, as I was trying to get him to say “Tata Cé” (auntie Cé) to my best friend, he exclaimed, “Tata Bob.” We found it so hilarious we couldn’t stop laughing. He kept calling her Bob for a couple of years, but she’s back to Tata Cécile now!
Lol, love Tata Bob – so funny 🙂
Aww this is so sweet, what a great way to get a nickname, =)
Thanks Jenni – I love my girls’ nickname for my sister 🙂
My grandmother’s real name was Albina. I was her first grandchild, but every one that came after me also called her Nina, the name I decided she was going to be called.
I can see how Nina was easier to say and these things do have a way of sticking once someone starts them! 🙂
Auntie Fizz is a brilliant nick name! My boys used to call my brother Rowan ‘Uncle ruin’ – we quite liked that! Thanks for mentioning my post. xx
Lol, Uncle Ruin is brilliant, love it! 🙂
Hahaha nice to meet you, auntie Fizz! That just so cute. xx
Thank you for mentioning my post last week, Louise. xx
You’re very welcome Melody – love the things Olivia says 🙂
One of my father’s reminiscences from way back when:
“I had an uncle B, but we called him Uncle Spelk. (Spelk = splinter, but I don’t know why he was called that.) Uncle Spelk was a rough diamond. He was the brother of my mother and Aunt E, and he lodged with Aunt E. I think he was the one who, when he was losing a game of draughts or dominoes, would start an argument and then sweep the pieces from the board so that the game was never finished.”
Well that’s one way to stop a game before you lose! Uncle Spelk is an interesting name – I wonder if there was a story behind the nickname.
OH what a fun topic and linky party. In a year or two I might be writing some of my own silly things my child said posts 🙂 Auntie Fizz is a cute nickname, and a cute story 🙂
Thank you Julie 🙂
Aww, that is a sweet story 🙂 No funny nick names here, although my daughter does call her Nanny Moonanny sometimes. Have no idea why! Might be a mixture between mummu (her other grandmothers “name”) and nanny. Thanks for hosting 🙂
Moonanny is a cute nickname – it does sound like it might be a mixture of mummu and nanny.
Oh that is so cute,love toddler logic! Xx
Lol, I do too although this one took a little while to work out! 🙂