From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Those adorable mispronounced words, the glimpses into their imaginations, the blunt observations – whatever it is, I’d love to hear about it!
A big thank you to everyone who linked up last week. I loved the Father’s Day interview with the gorgeous Olivia from Domesstique – so adorable – and R is for Hoppit linked up a wonderful list of things her toddler has said recently – loved the conversation with Grandma on the “armpit cam”.
Sophie was singing away to herself the other day while sitting on my lap pulling at my top wanting her bedtime feed. The song went something like this…
“Hello boobies, I love boobies…”
Her latest word is “delicious!” – it’s one that is being used quite often at dinnertimes as she does enjoy her food (long may it last!) so we get a lot of “mmm, delicious!” after mouthfuls which is quite adorable.
Jessica has always been a very determined little lady and there’s been a couple of moments of her trying to assert herself lately which have made me chuckle:
“I’ll be the judge!” (said very emphatically, whilst pointing her finger at me)
I can’t quite remember what triggered this comment (I was too busy trying not to laugh at the time!) and whilst I don’t think this is something I tend to say, I might have done so once or twice without realising it.
Me: “No Jessica, you can’t have chocolate buttons for dinner.”
Jessica: “I’m going to ask Daddy!”
Me: “Good luck with that! Daddy will say no too.”
Jessica (pouting): “I’m going to tell Daddy!”
If you have any posts about something that your children have been saying lately, please do come and link up. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). Please add the badge below to your post so others know where they can also link up (the badge code is below). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Looking forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.

It’s funny how kids can just make up words for a song about their parts, ours do it too, only it’s not about boobies!
Lol, they do make up some funny songs sometimes don’t they? 🙂
Oh my word what a gorgeous little noise that is. Clever Sophie, that’s a big word for a little lady, well done xx
Thanks Renee – I love hearing her say “delicious” – so adorable 🙂
I love ‘I’ll be the judge!’ Amazing! #ftmob
Thank you – it did make me chuckle! 🙂
So cute and fuuny! Kids say the silliest things at time but it sure does make an interesting day. Last night my daughter told me I was a big fat orange but she would kiss me instead of biting me. She made me laugh.
Angela xx
Angela recently posted “How to teach your children about healthy competition- It’s okay to lose”.
That made me chuckle – not exactly the most flattering thing to say though! 🙂
Aaaaw hello boobies! Hahaha Olivia is loving your girls. She keep watching Sophie’s video. She was even more happy when I told her that her cushion is from the girls, mummy.
Thank you for the feature as well. xx
Ah I’d forgotten that I’d made her a cushion! So glad that she likes it and loves watching Sophie’s video – we love watching her on video too – she is such a cutie 🙂
Children hey; they’re so funny. What delights pours out of their mouth; makes you wonder what goes on in their heads :-). I wonder what she things telling daddy will do. Oh, and the sitting on the lap tugging at your top for her feed, can I relate or what? O yes, I can. This is one of the linkies I hope to join sometime, I just need to write a relevant post. 🙂 #CommentLuv
It would be lovely to have you join in when you do get a chance – I always love reading about the things little ones say 🙂
Aww that video! It’s just too cute! And that’s the kind of song Boo would sing too =)
I love the chocolate button conversations, so cheeky!!
Thank you Jenni – yes, I can imagine Boo singing something similar! 🙂
What is it with saying boobies?! Its like saying poo, they just love it. I love how authoritarian they get with us (not sure if they know with snigger about them behind their backs!)
Yes, boobies is definitely a favourite word with my two and they both think it’s funny whenever they say it. Jessica can be very bossy at times and it does make me laugh 🙂
Oh those two little poppets are just too adorable! When are we meeting up? I think Wriggly will probably sing about boobies too when she starts talking… she is a breastfeeding addict! I do love the idea of chocolate buttons for dinner, and even better is Jessica telling you off! xx
Thanks Mel – we will definitely have to catch up soon! I quite like the idea of chocolate buttons for dinner too and Jessica did make me chuckle when she told me off 🙂
Haha there so clever, if it don’t work ask the other parent. My eldest does that all the time. X
Lol, these little ones learn that one quickly don’t they? 🙂