Friday Focus 28/04/2023 – Organised

I’m starting to feel more organised and on top of things again after feeling fairly overwhelmed by the to-do list over the last few months. I’ve been managing to do some decluttering around the house and it’s beginning to look a lot more tidy than it has been, which has also helped ease the overwhelm. I’m trying to keep more on top of things and get sorted out ready for moving Thomas into his own room later this year.


The word 'organised' with doodles of a computer and files and a kitchen sink


Sophie was off yesterday due to the teacher’s strike although Thomas was at school, so we had some Mummy-Sophie time which was nice. Thursday is usually my busy day, but I’d managed to be organised and get work done ahead of time so we were able to have a nice chunk of time doing some crafts together.


Sophie holding an origami ice-cream cone



What I’ve been grateful for this week:


Coffee and cheesecake at Costa; dandelions in the garden and dandelion and lemon biscuits cooling on a wire rack; Sophie's spin art; Sophie at her tap lesson; Black Park lake; Thomas playing with his toy sheep and lion; Thomas playing the drums at the park - "#365daysofgratitude 2023 - Week 17"


  • Day 111 – I am grateful for a quiet moment to have a cuppa after dropping Sophie off at Girls’ Brigade. I used to do this regularly when she and Jessica were at GB and for a moment I let myself imagine that I was back there waiting while both my girls were doing an activity they loved.


  • Day 112 – I am grateful for dandelions and making yummy dandelion and lemon biscuits.


  • Day 113 – I am grateful that Sophie enjoyed doing some spinning art with Daddy.


  • Day 114 – I am grateful that Sophie is fully back to dancing again after hurting her knee last week.


  • Day 115 – I am grateful for a relaxing afternoon enjoying lunch with a friend at Black Park.


  • Day 116 – I am grateful that Sheepie and Lion helped keep Thomas entertained for a few minutes while we waited for Sophie’s dance class to finish.


  • Day 117 – I am grateful that Thomas had “a brilliant day” at school. So good to hear some positive feedback from his teacher.



Other things that have made me smile this week:

  • Seeing a baby robin who keeps appearing on the recycling boxes by my front door. I’m amazed at how close it has let me get while it just stays there looking at me and chirruping away before eventually flying off.


A baby robin perched on the wall next to a black recycling box


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21 thoughts on “Friday Focus 28/04/2023 – Organised

  1. It is good to be organised. It sounds like life is a lot less overwhelming than it has been. How exciting for Thomas to be moving into his own room.
    How lovely to have some one on one time with Sophie.
    Those biscuits look so good and the spinning art looks fantastic. x

  2. Great job making the best of the strike day with your daughter. Those days can be put to such good use. I hope Thomas’ transition to his own room goes smoothly.

    1. Thank you, it won’t be for another few months but there’s a lot of sorting out needed before it can happen.

  3. Getting organised feels good doesn’t it. I have a little robin that keeps coming to visit too, he comes right up to my patio doors, but I do worry about my cat. I’m glad you had some Mummy and Sophie time and that Sophie’s knee is better now.

    1. How lovely that you have a little robin coming to visit you too. Hope your cat stays away!

  4. how nice to have the baby robin so close that you can actually watch it. Sophie is looking so grown up these days. Good luck moving Thomas into his own room. I’ve never thought of making anything with dandelions

    1. Thank you. We always make dandelion and lemon biscuits at this time of year so seeing the dandelion appear is always a good thing.

    1. Thank you. We get baby robins in the garden most years. I love how grumpy they always look.

  5. Aw how lovely to have a baby Robin come so close to the house! Glad Sophie’s knee is better and that you had a nice day off together. Getting organised is on my to do list.. it just keeps getting pushed further down!!

  6. A mother-daughter day was a lovely idea. These memories will last for a very long time. Well done for succeeding in being organised.

  7. Well done on being organised. It’s nice when that happens. I sometimes have my moments but I’m always chasing my tail! How nice that you got to do some crafting together. I should really do that with Little E when we get a moment. Our times together are normally food related. I have never seen a baby Robin, he must be interested in what you are doing #WotW

  8. I have never tried dandelion and lemon biscuits. I love lemon, I wonder what the dandelion tastes like? I miss the crafting days with my boys, but get to do some when playschool need help so get a little fix then thankfully. The baby robin picture is adorable, I love it!

    1. I’m not quite sure how to describe the taste – it does taste different from plain lemon biscuits though.

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