I’ve been feeling unsettled lately. It’s down to a combination of things – various curveballs being thrown my way here and there, audition anxiety, grief, not sleeping well (probably due to all those things!) and a couple of unexpected triggers which have brought back some unpleasant memories. My head feels a bit too full of things right now and I’m struggling a bit with unpacking some of them.
Things feel quite unsettled nationally right now as well given the utter chaos within the Government and then Liz Truss resigning as Prime Minister.
Next week is half-term and I’m looking forward to the time with Sophie and Thomas. I’m going to try and switch off from various things where I can and just focus on having fun with the children.
What I’ve been grateful for over the last couple of weeks:
- Day 280 – I am grateful that Sophie now has her new Juniors uniform for Girls’ Brigade.
- Day 281 – I am grateful that Sophie and Thomas had so much fun at their friends’ birthday party.
- Day 282 – I am grateful for autumn leaves.
- Day 283 – I am grateful for a late-afternoon walk in the woods.
- Day 284 – I am grateful for matching pyjamas.
- Day 285 – I am grateful for the little robin keeping me company while I was working in the garden.
- Day 286 – I am grateful for an open afternoon at school and being able to visit Thomas in his classroom.
- Day 287 – I am grateful that Thomas and Sophie had a fun time at the school disco. First one for Thomas and first one in three years for Sophie.
- Day 288 – I am grateful for getting out and about, enjoying family time together.
- Day 289 – I am grateful that Daddy took Thomas for a haircut.
- Day 290 – I am grateful for pretty sunsets.
- Day 291 – I am grateful for being able to enjoy the sunshine in the garden while working from home.
- Day 292 – I am grateful that I was able to join in with celebrating my father-in-law’s birthday before the music hall rehearsal this evening.
- Day 293 – I am grateful that last year’s Halloween costume still fits Thomas. He enjoyed being able to dress up for his ballet class this afternoon.
Other things that have made me smile over the last couple of weeks:
- Standing out in the garden with Sophie and spotting Jupiter in the night sky.
- Saturday nights watching Strictly.
- Being given some bulbs by the team at Greenacres to plant at Jessica’s forever bed. Last year’s ones didn’t do so well but hopefully we’ll have more luck this time.
- A lovely first school photo for Thomas.
- Thomas telling his friend that he liked her “X-ray costume”.
So sorry you have been feeling so unsettled. Sending love and hugs. I hope things are better for you soon.
I hope you have a lovely half term.
What lovely photos. Thomas suddenly looks so grown up with his new haircut. x
Thank you, things do feel better now. We had a lovely half-term, thank you.
I know the feeling that you are talking about: just too much going on in the head that you can’t feel settled. In my experience it didn’t begin to settle until I gave time to think through and deal with each issue. It also meant putting the pause on some things. I hope you find a solution or solutions soon.
Thank you, I’m feeling much more settled now and I agree giving time to process things does help a lot.
Hope everything settles down for you soon. Sounds like it’s been a busy couple of weeks – great that the disco finally went ahead again. Doesn’t Thomas look just like his dad in his school photo?
Thank you – yes he does look a lot like his dad, especially when I look at photos of my husband at Thomas’s age.
I really hope you have a more settled week this week, wishing you peace x
Thank you Anne, things are feeling much more settled now.
I think the national unrest has had an effect on most of us, plus the change of season, plus the countdown to half term! I hope you have made the most of this week to relax and enjoy time with family. #project365
Thank you, things are feeling much more settled now.
I am sorry to hear that you are feeling unsettled, hopefully a weeks break will help you de-stress. The first school photo is adorable
Thank you, the week’s break was definitely needed and I’m feeling much more settled now.
Gorgeous photo of Thomas, he’s looking so grown up. Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unsettled. I hope the bulbs do better this year for Jessica.
Thank you – he is looking much more grown-up all of a sudden. Fingers crossed for the bulbs this time around.