Back to normality this week after the Easter break and the highs of show week. The after-show blues hit Sophie hard on Saturday night after the final show, along with most of the other children in the cast. It is sad when a show comes to an end. It was an amazing show and I enjoyed it so much when I went to see the matinee performance that I came out and booked a ticket for the evening performance too.
Sophie and Thomas have settled into being back at school for the summer term and I’m enjoying having time to catch up on things at home and getting back on top of jobs around the house. Thomas has a new class teacher this term. I think it’s going to be a good change for him. We’ve had some issues with managing behaviour in class this year, but there seems to be more focus now on reinforcing positive behaviour and giving Thomas something positive to focus on, and it was nice to hear some praise when I picked him up after school, even if it was just “good waiting, Thomas.” Plus it’s a teacher who knew Jessica which is always a positive for me.
We haven’t quite got back to normality with the after-school activities this week though as Sophie hurt her knee on Monday. I think she twisted it slightly when rollerblading and so she’s been resting up and having a break from dancing. It’s gradually getting better so hopefully she’ll be able to get back to her normal dance classes next week.
What I’ve been grateful for this week:
- Day 104 – I am grateful that opening night went well. Looking forward to watching Sophie from the audience instead of the wings tomorrow. Jessica would have been so proud of her little sister. Grateful too for all the love for Jessica and memories shared today.
- Day 105 – I am grateful for seeing Sophie perform in two shows today. So proud of her. Well done to all the cast at Beck Youth Theatre – you were amazing.
- Day 106 – I am grateful for some family time at the park to finish off the Easter break.
- Day 107 – I am grateful for regular backups after my blog site went down and I lost all my content in the process of getting it working again. All working again and content restored, thank goodness!
- Day 108 – I am grateful that Thomas and Sophie are enjoying doing maths workbooks with Daddy.
- Day 109 – I am grateful for pretty flowers.
- Day 110 – I am grateful for blossom and blue skies.
Other things that have made me smile this week:
- The lovely feedback I’ve had about Sophie’s performance in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. She was a joy to watch on stage, giving it her all and I was so proud of her.
- Watching Thomas ride his scooter at the park.
- Seeing the professional photos from Sophie’s dance festival.

Ahh! The after show blues do sound tough. It sounds like eveyrone had a great time with it.
Good luck to the kids in school. It sounds like the new class teacher is a good thing. x
Thanks Kim. Thomas is so much happier going in to school now x
Love the pic of Sophie dancing, gorgeous.
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Thank you Esme.
You really have a little star in the making there with Sophie, I’m sorry she’s had a tough week though. I hope her knee heals quickly. Thomas’ new teacher sounds good, I’m glad he’s enjoying his scooter too.
Thanks Anne. It was so lovely to watch Sophie on stage. Her knee is all better now, thank you.
I’m glad the show went so well and I’m sure you are all looking forward to the next. Hope Sophie’s knee is feeling better. Also glad that Thomas is getting on well with his new teacher. I’ve loved the blue sky this week. Admittedly we’ve had plenty of cloud too. Sophie’s dance photo is fabulous. You can see the dancer she is going to be.
Thank you Cheryl. Sophie’s knee has healed now, thankfully. I love the dance photo – it’s such a good one of her.
Bravo Sophie! I’m so pleased her show was a success 🙂 Love her dance photo. Hope her knee gets better soon. Glad Thomas has a teacher he gets on with.
Thank you Karen. Sophie’s knee is all better now.
Here’s to an even better week this week ahead. I love the photo of your daughter in that dance costume. All the best to Thomas and his classmates with getting used to a new teacher and ways of doing things.
Thank you, this week has been good so far.
Glad the shows went well and that Sophie’s back dancing soon after her injury. Hope the new teacher works out well for Thomas.
Thanks Emma, Sophie’s back to her usual dance lessons now.
Such a lovely photo of Sophie, hope her ankle is better after roller skating. Glad Thomas is settling in well with his new teacher.
Thank you. Sophie’s all healed up now and Thomas is so much happier with his new teacher.
After show blues are horrible, hope she has something to look forward to soon. Love her dancing photo. Hope Thomas settles with his new teacher
Thank you, he’s been so much happier at school with the new teacher. It’s been a good change for him.
I’m glad that the show went well but can understand the low after it finishes. I hope the school situation for Thomas is continuing to work. #project365
I’m so glad you had your blog backed up. I better check my hosting does that! I’m sure it does. I’m glad you all enjoyed the show. They can be hard work but so much fun too. I hope Thomas is still getting on well with his new teacher #WotW
Thank you, yes Thomas is doing much better at school now.