Friday Focus 18/10/19 – Excited for show week

We’ve had our last rehearsals for The Sound of Music in the rehearsal hall this week, and Sophie and I are getting very excited for show week next week! We have most of our costumes ready to take to the theatre, although I need to make a few adjustments to a couple of them so they fit better. It’s been so much fun doing this show. Getting back into performing has been good for me and watching Sophie rehearse with her stage ‘siblings’ has been a joy.


Excited - this week's word of the week


Hubby’s been away again this week and will be away most of next week too (although thankfully will be around one evening to see the show!) His mum and aunt have both been around this week to help look after Thomas while Sophie and I are at rehearsals. I’m so thankful for the extra support that I’ve had over the past few months. I’m not always very good at taking up offers of help. Having to commit to rehearsals has made me aware that I do have the support there if I need it though. Another thing that has been good for me. My mum is coming up tomorrow to stay for just over a week and help out with Thomas during show week. Sophie and I are excited about that too – it’s always lovely to have Nanny come and stay.


Sophie with her "Gretl" T-shirt at rehearsal


Things that have made me smile this week

  • Baking cheese scones for the Girls’ Brigade coffee morning.


  • Having a useable spare room again after decluttering Jessica’s room ready for my mum to come and stay.


  • Seeing how caring Sophie and her friends are with Thomas at Sophie’s friend’s birthday party.


  • Spotting a ‘fairy toadstool’ (fly agaric fungus) while visiting Jessica at her forever bed. I’ve never seen one before!


A red and white spotted fly agaric fungus


  • Watching Sophie sitting and drawing pictures at the table. It reminds me so much of Jessica and her love of drawing.


  • Going on an autumn nature walk with Sophie and Thomas.


Sophie holding up an acorn on our nature walk


  • Crafting with some of the treasures that we collected on our autumn walk.


Sophie with her autumn mask covered in autumn leaves


  • Watching Thomas playing peek-a-boo with the coloured scarves at BilinguaSing.


Word of the Week linky

6 thoughts on “Friday Focus 18/10/19 – Excited for show week

  1. Just so exciting to have the performance about to start. If only I lived closer. Hope the week goes well. Impressed by your organization skills and all the wonderful people around you to help out. I’ve not seen a fly agaric this year yet. Magical to stumble upon, but even more wonderful to be found on a visit to Jessica’s forever bed. I love Sophie’s nature mask. Break a leg next week. #wotw

  2. How exciting that the show is so close now, break a leg! I’m glad that you’ve found accepting help easier and I hope you enjoy having your Mum around for a week. x

  3. Oh I’m so excited for you both Louise. It sounds like it has been a wonderful thing for both of you. Will you manage to put a little video on YouTube of you and Sophie performing? I would come and see it if I wasn’t so far away. Best of luck to you both, have a brilliant week of performances and I hope you enjoy every minute of it.

  4. Oh it’s getting close! I hope rehearsals are going well and you all feel ready 🙂 It’s wonderful that you have so much support. My mum and dad live about 200 miles away and it worries me a little for when we have a family, but I’m sure we’ll be supported by so many other people close to home when the time comes! #wotw

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