Friday Focus 10/01/20 – Enjoying time outside

We’ve been enjoying getting outside each day over the last week, thanks to joining in with the Wild about Winter challenge. It’s really helped having a suggested activity to do each day. So far this week, we’ve made ice lanterns and bird feeders, done some ice painting together and enjoyed sitting in the park drinking hot chocolate after school. Sophie has absolutely loved all the activities so far and it’s been good to have the incentive to get outdoors a little more, especially at this time of year.


The word 'outside' drawn with trees around it


Things that have made me smile this week

  • Going for a lovely long walk with Sophie and finding seven geocaches along the way.


Sophie walking down a country lane


  • A trip into London to see The Nutcracker.


  • Taking Sophie to Hamley’s.


Sophie standing by the Frozen 2 display in Hamleys between two moving Sven reindeers


  • Watching Sophie and Thomas having fun together at the park.


Sophie pushing Thomas in the swing


  • Trying out the ruby cocoa hot chocolate at Costa. Sophie loved being able to have pink hot chocolate!


Sophie with her pink hot chocolate in Costa


  • Watching Sophie having fun at Halo dance club and seeing Thomas having a little dance to the music too.


Thomas standing in front of the mirrors in the dance studio


  • Going back to a toddler group that I used to take the girls to and seeing how much Thomas enjoyed it there.


  • Messages from friends with mentions of Jessica – it always means so much when other people let me know that they are thinking of and remembering her.


Word of the Week linky

8 thoughts on “Friday Focus 10/01/20 – Enjoying time outside

  1. The wild and winter challenge sounds really good, I always do much better at things if I have a challenge to follow. It looks like you’ve had so much fun, I love Thomas’s wooly hat he looks so happy on the swing. I hope you enjoyed The Nutcracker what a treat! and pink hot chocolate sounds delicious. Have a lovely weekend x

  2. Getting outside certainly makes you feel better and it sounds like you’ve had a good week. The Wild and Winter challenge sounds great. x

  3. I loved seeing pictures of your children playing outside. This winter has been mild for us so far although we did get a bit of snow on Tuesday this week. My grandchildren are often reluctant to go outside and play but once they do, they have a great time and don’t want to come in. We played flashlight tag with them in the dark when they were at our house for dinner the beginning of the week. Such fun!

  4. I used to love making ice and snow lanterns with the children. Something about temporary art. Hamleys and Nutcracker sound a wonderful trip. Not come across pink hot chocolate. Certainly a different spin on it. Did it taste different? #wotw

  5. It sounds like you’ve had some great outdoor fun. Well done with finding geocaches. I love the photos of Sophie and Thomas playing on the swings. So sweet. x

  6. Pink hot chocolate? was it nice? I shall have to try that 😀 It is lovely to get outside, my two are averse to fresh air at the moment LOL! Your photos are lovely 🙂

  7. It is nice to get out and embrace the weather., good for you and them, teaching them the saying no such thing as bad weather …..
    The hot choc in the park sounds a good one.
    Love to watch toddlers dance to music they are so cute

  8. Oooh pink hot chocolate sound amazing, and I am desperate to see the Nutcracker I bet it was amazing. The outdoor challenge sounds great I love anything that makes you get out x

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