This week, my happy moments seem to have revolved around dancing. One of my favourite things about this time of year is watching Strictly on a Saturday night and I love seeing how much the girls love watching it too. I often have to re-watch the dances on the TV as I’m so distracted by watching my girls holding hands and dancing together whilst watching it. They both try to copy the moves as they go along and I’m quite impressed at the things they remember if they hear that music again later on – particularly when they suddenly end with a pose that they remember seeing on the TV!
The clocks going back in October is something that always makes me think of Sophie’s birth as I remember seeing the clocks change whilst in early labour. This year, I saw the clocks change again – thanks to leaving it to the last minute to choreograph a routine for one of the concert numbers we are currently rehearsing. As the clocks went back this year, I was line dancing in my kitchen whilst playing “Leroy the Rednecked Reindeer” on my phone!
Jessica had an inset day on Monday and we went to Legoland for Brick or Treat. One of my favourite moments from the day was watching her, Sophie and their friends H and E all holding hands and dancing around together.
All this dancing has also prompted me to do something I’d been meaning to do for ages – and get the girls into dance classes. I’ve managed to find a class for Sophie which we’ll be trying out tomorrow morning. There is space in another class for Jessica, but the time isn’t ideal for us so I’m in two minds about whether to try it anyway and see how we get on or find a different class.
Other things I have loved this week:
- Jessica and Sophie’s pretty new winter coats.
- An autumn walk in Langley Park with both my girls.
- Carving pumpkins and tasting turkey at a nearby farm shop.
- Submitting my final assignment for my HR course.
- Sophie winning the costume competition at Legoland in the 0-5 age category.
- Jessica bringing home her first reading book.
- Seeing how much Sophie is enjoying her toddler French class.
- Finding a couple of geocaches while out on a walk.
- Hubby being home with no more trips away for the foreseeable future.
I love your moments. So many lovely ones. Hope the dancing class works out. What a fabulous costume Jessica is wearing. So cute. Love the coats too. I always went for red ones, to give me a fighting chance to spot the children in the crowd. Now they all want black or dark coats. Enjoy it while it lasts. #wotw
Dancing is definitely the word for you! Love that video, such sweet dancing. My two like SCD, too, and loved staying up to watch the Halloween show, though I have to say their dancing is a little over-exuberant and we can barely see the screens ourselves! Hope Sophie’s class goes well and you manage to sort a suitable one for Jessica x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
Aww bless them 🙂 I’m not a SCD fan (sorry!) but your two girls are delightful 🙂
Aww! Jessica and Sophie dancing are so cute….My girls love Strictly too! Good luck with the dance classes.
Lovely photos and hooray for your hubby been home for a while 😀 x
Aw loving the word this week. Can imagine the girls look so cute dancing as they do in their coats! I read about geocaches recently; they sound really interesting. Bet you so pleased hubby home for a while xx #wotw
Awww so cute, lovely coats. My son loves reading now since starting school, amazing how quickly they pick up words X #wotw
Oh I’m loving all the dancing! My eldest has a show at a theatre with her stage performance group coming up. She did it last year as well and it makes all the classes worthwhile when you see them on the stage complete with massive grin.
Dancing is a lovely, happy word and I too love a bit of Strictly. Every year I say to MOH we should learn to dance, every year he duly nods and looks panicked! Love your puss cat too 🙂 #wotw