Friday Focus 04/10/19 – Just a little dull

Broken nights, ever-present grief and a lack of energy have combined to leave me feeling a little dull this week. Thomas has been waking multiple times a night again. I’m not sure if it’s teething or a growth spurt but the nights feel like I’ve set an alarm for the early hours and then hit snooze for the rest of the night, dozing briefly here and there, until I finally give up on sleep and get up. Hubby’s been away again this week so I’ve been flying solo once more. Just trying to get through it as best I can and hoping that it’s relatively short-lived.


the word 'dull' in grey letters


The weather’s been dull this week too. The heavy rain on Tuesday caused water to get in the boiler flue so the boiler was out of action for a couple of days. Thankfully now it’s dried out it seems to be working properly again. I’ve been resisting putting the heating on anyway, but it’s good to know it’s an option once more. The mornings have started to get chilly now. Autumn is definitely here.


Tiredness might have taken the colour out of the week a bit, but there have been plenty of moments to make me smile too. One of the good things about doing my daily gratitude project and writing this post each week is that it helps me to be more aware of them. It can be easy in a week where tiredness has felt all-consuming to get bogged down with it all. The happy moments help to balance it back out again.


Things that have made me smile this week


Me with some of the other cast members of The Sound of Music singing in intu


  • Trying on my nun costume for the first time.


  • Watching Sophie having fun at her friends’ birthday party.


  • Sophie trying to dance with Thomas while watching Strictly.


  • Sophie winning the family photo competition at church. We were given ten prompts for photos to take over the summer and had fun taking photos to fit each prompt.


  • Watching Sophie splashing in big puddles at the park.


Sophie wearing a red puddle suit and jumping into a big puddle


  • Feeding the ducks with Thomas at Herschel Park.


Thomas looking at the ducks at Herschel Park


  • Sophie’s excitement at being able to give out invitations for her birthday party now that I’ve booked it. Her birthday is the day after The Sound of Music finishes but we’re having her party a week later.


  • Seeing how happy Thomas is at being able to walk around and explore more.


Word of the Week linky

5 thoughts on “Friday Focus 04/10/19 – Just a little dull

  1. It’s not easy sometimes, is it? The weather here has been rain and wind, alternating with wind and rain — and our fridge was out of action for a few days. Still, it’s fixed! #WotW

  2. Life can be difficult sometimes, just getting by can be dull. But I’m sure things will brighten up for you soon. (Although I doubt the weather will.) I love that you can still find things to be grateful for x

  3. I feel for you. Lack of sleep is tough. I don’t miss those days. Hope you are able to grab some more time for you soon. Must be lovely to be advertising the show now. It looks fun. Hope the weather lifts for you and your husband is home soon. #wotw

  4. Oh no! So sorry you are feeling a little dull. Not getting enough sleep really takes it toll. I haven’t liked the weather this past week. It’s been too wet and far too cold for my liking. What a nightmare with no working boiler. I’m glad it’s working again now! x

  5. I’ve been making an effort to practice gratitude on a regular basis too Louise and I’m finding it so helpful! Normally my mental health is all over the place, but pausing each day to go over the positives is really helping me to take control of my moods! I’m so glad you’ve had so many things to smile about amongst the challenges 🙂

    I can’t believe how big Thomas is getting. I honestly thought I hadn’t been away from Word of the Week that long but the difference in him is amazing! x

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