Friday Focus 02/04/21 – Reminders

The run-up to Easter and the start of the school holidays are full of reminders of those last weeks with Jessica. This time three years ago we were on what would turn out to be our last family holiday with her. She wasn’t well that week and while there were happy moments when she enjoyed going out and doing things, there were a lot of moments of worry and the memories of that holiday are still quite painful in many ways. As you can imagine, emotionally this has been a very tough week.


The word 'reminders' in pink with a picture of Jessica as the dot above the 'i' and a doodle of a vase of flowers on the 's'


It’s been a busy week for me too with being involved in the various online activities that our church is doing for Holy Week. A week of making sure that there are reminders on my phone for all the things that needed to be done so I didn’t forget to do them! There was a somewhat embarrassing moment during the Maundy Thursday Zoom service when Sophie was shouting something rather inappropriate to Thomas while I was trying to lead prayers. A reminder that children and Zoom meetings can be a fun combination at times! Thankfully my husband edited it out of the recording!


We’ve had a couple of visits from the Easter bunny thanks to a couple of friends and family members dropping off Easter gifts for the children. What has been particular lovely is that Jessica has been included too with nearly all of them – a mention in the cards, a little bouquet of daffodils or roses for her vase. Reminders that Jessica is still loved and remembered, and that means so very much.


Easter cards, flowers in Jessica's vase, a wooden carving and a photo of Jessica on my piano



What I’ve been grateful for this week:

  A Playmobil scene depicting Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a colt; hubby, Sophie and Thomas out on a walk; cheese and bacon scones cooling on a wire rack; Thomas eating breakfast; Sophie and Thomas eating dinner in the garden; Thomas spelling out 'All Paws on Deck!" with his magnetic letters; me giving blood - "#365daysofgratitude 2021 - Week 13"


  •  Day 85 – I am grateful that the pictures and audio recordings for next week’s Playmobil Bible readings are all done ready to put the videos together.


  • Day 86 – I am grateful for getting out for a family walk together.


  • Day 87 – I am grateful for cheese and bacon scones eaten still warm from the oven.


  • Day 88 – I am grateful for Sophie being helpful. This morning, she made both herself and Thomas breakfast, put Thomas in his high chair with his bib on and made sure he had everything he needed. I’d just popped upstairs to get dressed before doing breakfast but when I came downstairs they were both already having theirs!


  • Day 89 – I am grateful for a lovely day spent outside in the garden and eating dinner outside for the first time this year.


  • Day 90 – I am grateful for little moments watching how Thomas absorbs information while playing. His latest favourite thing is playing with the magnetic letters and putting the letters together. He put this sequence – “All Paws on Deck!” – together all by himself (the I at the end is meant to be an exclamation mark). It’s a phrase from his big Paw Patrol puzzle which he’s put together so many times he’s memorised the sequence of letters in that phrase. Clever boy!


  • Day 91 – I am grateful for being able to give blood and forever grateful to those whose blood helped Jessica recover from her heart surgeries so that we got to have those six and a half wonderful years with her.



Other things that have made me smile this week:

  • Sophie’s nature Easter egg that she made with Girls’ Brigade.


Sophie's cardboard Easter egg decorated with flowers and leaves


  • Sophie being able to wear summer dresses for school. At least she’s been able to wear them this year.


  • Watching the children having fun playing with the sand tray in the sunshine out in the garden. We even got the paddling pool out on Tuesday which I don’t think we’ve ever done in March before.


  • Seeing the daffodils, tulips and forget-me-nots in the garden and planting flower seeds which will hopefully give us some summer blooms.


  • Spotting this fabulous knitted postbox topper when I went to give blood.


A knitted postbox topper featuring a road with dinosaurs on it


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38 thoughts on “Friday Focus 02/04/21 – Reminders

  1. Thank you for giving blood, particularly in the same week that I have been receiving my plasma donations. Sophie’s decorated egg is beautiful and Thomas is so clever remembering that phrase and being able to replicate it. I hope you have a peaceful and happy Easter with happy memories. x

    1. Thank you Anne – I do try and give blood when I can as I know how important it is and hope that your plasma donations have helped you feel better.

  2. I love that post box topper! people here don’t tend to do that sort of thing. I love Sophie’s nature egg 🙂 The weather has been brilliant hasn’t it? have a happy Easter

    1. The postbox topper is lovely isn’t it? Apparently they’re part of a trail so we might have to go and find some more.

  3. Sending love and hugs. All those reminders must be heartbreaking.
    It sounds like you have been busy organising things for your church. It did make me chuckle about Sophie being heard while you were trying to lead the prayers. Oops.
    The cards and gifts are lovely. So thoughtful.
    Those scones look so good and well done Sophie for making breakfast. x

    1. Thanks Kim. The reminders at this time of year are particularly hard but it has been nice to have them balanced out by reminders that Jessica is still loved and remembered by others. Sophie shouting at Thomas makes me laugh now but it was a bit embarrassing at the time!

  4. Oh goodness! I love the detail in the postbox topper. Just perfect on your blood giving trip. How thoughtful of your friends to drop off Easter gifts and include something in Jessica’s memory. You have lovely friends. I had to smile at Sophie’s contribution to your prayer. Of all the moments for it to happen. How clever of Thomas to spell out the phrase. Sophie’s nature activity looks fun and very pretty. I used to like the summer term when my older two could wear dresses at school. Didn’t last long as they moved into trousers in the older years. Bacon and cheese scones sound like a yummy idea. Have a lovely weekend. #wotw

    1. I love it when we can get the summer dresses out for school. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts! The postbox topper is apparently part of a trail so we might have to try and find some more. It did mean so much having Jessica remembered with the Easter gifts.

  5. Sending hugs. I can’t begin to imagine how you have been feeling this past week. Wow, Thomas is a really clever boy. That is amazing. I have never seen a post box topper in person. That one must have really taken some work #WotW #365

    1. Thanks Jane. It’s been a tough one but we’re getting through. I loved the postbox topper – apparently there are a few of them around so I’ll have to see if we can find some more.

  6. Oh that’s always good when children start getting their breakfast to help out. Long may that continue. Hope you had a good Easter

  7. Well done for giving blood, it’s so important. It must have been very special to see that Jessica is mentioned in the cards.

  8. How lovely that your friends included Jessica in their gifts and cards. She will always be remembered Louise. Sending lots of love and a big hug your way.
    I did smile at Sophie shouting to Thomas whilst you lead prayers. They have perfect timing, don’t they?!
    Jayden and I watched your Playmobil Bible readings and they were lovely. Jayden said they were so nice.
    Well done Thomas for spelling out the Paw Patrol phrase, clever boy. And how thoughtful of Sophie to have helped with breakfast time. That must have been a lovely surprise.
    Have a good rest of the week. x #WotW

    1. Thanks Jayne. I’m glad you and Jayden enjoyed the Playmobil Bible readings. I had fun putting those together. It meant a lot that Jessica was included in the cards and gifts.

  9. My eight year old son and I have been leading some children’s ministry online too. A couple of weeks ago, we were taking a quiet moment to pray and he let out the loudest bottom burp you could ever imagine! Children have the most amazing timing don’t they? #MMBC

    1. Thanks Mary. Playmobil is lovely – I think I will miss it when Sophie stops playing with it too.

  10. So lovely that your friends include Jessica. I keep wanting to give blood but they always have issues finding my veins when i have to have blood tests that I almost faint so not sure I could handle it.

    Love that postbox topper!

    1. It means so much to have people remember Jessica in the little things. I can imagine having tricky veins would make the prospect of giving blood a little more nerve-wracking.

  11. So sorry to hear this week has been painful for you, but it must feel so rewarding to help others by giving blood. That post box topper is so cute

    1. Thanks Kara. It’s a tough time of year for us. We’re getting through as best we can.

  12. Sending love I am sorry this week has been hard for you. Lovely to receive so many gifts and mentions of Jessica. Well done on giving blood unfortunately it is something I can no do, due to a blood issue I have but would do if I could. It makes all the difference. Love the post box and how wonderful of Sophie to help out at breakfast time.

    1. Thank you Clare. It’s a tough time of year but we’re getting through as best we can.

  13. The postbox topper is amazing! Love the use of Playmobil, I think I prefer it to Lego but don’t tell my son! Sending virtual hugs at this difficult time and hoping you can focus on the happy memories. #project365

  14. That postbox topper is incredible! I wish we had those to spot around here. What a talent someone has for making those. What a good idea using Playmobil in bible readings, a good way to capture children’s attention. So glad Jessica is included in all these special moments in your lives with mentions and little gifts.

  15. How lovely that your friends send meaningful gifts, remember Jessice fondly and include her in all the festive messages. Well done for donating blood! That postbox top is amazing. I’ve seen some photos of similar designs online, they are all so attractive. Playmobil in bible would make it easier for younger children to understand and relate. I remember our church even used the Minecraft Bible for the Sunday school.

    1. I like the sound of the Minecraft Bible – that’s a fun way of helping make it more interesting for children.

  16. I love the post box knitted toppers, such fun. Well done on giving blood and what a fab sister Sophie is helping Thomas out with his breakfast

    1. Thank you, she’s going through a very helpful phase at the moment – I’m hoping it will last!

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