Black & White Photography Project Week 7

This week’s black and white photo was taken at children’s cardiac outpatients as Jessica had her check-up this week.  It’s not the best photo as it was taken on my phone but it was just a lovely moment of her sitting on the vintage rocking horse in the waiting room.  All went well at the check-up too – things are currently stable and next check-up not until December.

BW photo


Linking in with PODcast on the Black & White Photography Project:

 photo 4d06e438-4e6a-4f3b-88b2-0c1093350397_zps361ad0e9.jpg

23 thoughts on “Black & White Photography Project Week 7

  1. Glad the visit went ok, it’s a lovely photo, she looks like she took a shine to the horse x

  2. What a lovely photo, I had a horse like that when I was younger. Good to hear all went well

  3. Beautiful. I would have loved a horse like that when I was a child. #bwphotoproject

  4. Glad you got the all clear and what a lovely rocking horse to be in waiting room.

  5. I am so glad everything was fine with the check up. Such a lovely picture. I would love a rocking horse like that for Baby x #BWPhotoProject

  6. So glad the check-up went well. This is a wonderful photo, I love the vintage rocking horses, my mum has one at home from my childhood which I think belonged to my dad. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing with #bwphotoproject

    1. Thanks Charly – always a relief when the check-up goes well. Jessica loves the rocking horse in the waiting area – it’s gorgeous. Lovely to join in with #bwphotoproject again 🙂

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