A walk along the river

I love discovering new places to explore – taking a wander down a little lane and finding out where it leads. This week’s new discovery was a little footpath at the end of a cul-de-sac which took us on a walk along the river.

A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big Love

There were quite a lot of ducks out for a swim, and I was sorry that I hadn’t thought to bring some food for them as the girls always love to feed the ducks. Jessica and Sophie didn’t seem to mind too much though; they were just happy watching the ducks swimming past and quacking hello to us as they continued on their way.

Ducks on the river - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big Love

Further along the river, we came to a bridge, which provided the perfect opportunity for the girls to discover the delights of Poohsticks. They loved finding a stick each, dropping it from the bridge into the water and then rushing to the other side of the bridge to watch and wait for it to reappear, and played it over and over again.

Playing Poohsticks - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big LovePlaying Poohsticks - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big Love

A little further along the path, we left the river and found ourselves walking towards the canal,  where there were lots of brightly coloured narrowboats moored up for the girls to look at. Jessica and Sophie were starting to get a little tired by this point so I decided to leave following the towpath for another day and head back towards the car instead.

Taking a walk along the canal - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big LoveThe view looking over the canal - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big Love

On the way back, we spotted a lot of spiders sitting in the middle of their beautifully-spun webs in amongst the hedges. By the time we arrived back at the car, Sophie had fallen asleep in the buggy and I was reluctant to disturb her so we headed to the shops to stop for a cuppa and Jessica enjoyed being treated to a ride on the carousel while Sophie slept.

Spider webs - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big LoveA ride on the carousel - A walk along the river - Little Hearts, Big Love


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

22 thoughts on “A walk along the river

  1. I love days out like this, no pressure,no plans and just seeing where a path takes you. Pooh sticks has been a favourite for generations and it’s lovely to see it still being enjoyed now. Gorgeous photo of Jessica on that ride, she looks so pleased to be there. The toe path looks like a whole adventure in itself, I hope you get to do this one day too. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

    1. Thanks Fiona, maybe we’ll take a trip down that tow path over the weekend if we get a chance – am sure we will definitely explore it at some point in the not-too-distant future! 🙂

  2. What a fab discovery! There is something special about discovering new places with your kids – and who can resist the opportunity to play poohsticks?! Lovely photos too – I love the spider one!

    1. Thanks Karen – I did quite like seeing the spiders sitting in the middle of their webs – although they freak me out slightly when they’re in the house!

  3. Wow, looks like a fab day out! I LOVE seeing canal boats, we had a weekend on one a few years ago and it was amazing! Secretly dream of living on one one day! #countrykids

    1. Thanks Claire – it was a lovely walk. I’ve been on narrowboat holidays a couple of times and loved them – I love the idea of living on a boat but I suspect that the novelty would wear off for me fairly quickly! 🙂

    1. Thanks Laura – always lovely to have a fun day out that doesn’t cost anything! 🙂

  4. I wish our river led into a canal too! As much as I love the sea, the river also has it’s charms, doesn’t it? I love visiting the one we have nearby, though admittedly it’s a bit of a walk from our house, but still always worth a visit 🙂 #countrykids.

    1. It is lovely to live near to the canal and a couple of rivers – they’re so lovely to go for walks along. Living near the sea sounds wonderful though – the coast is at least 90 minutes’ drive away for us and there were a few days in the summer when I wished we lived a lot nearer to a beach.

  5. Sometimes these are the best trips out-no firm plans and just seeing where the walk takes you. And finding fun without too much cost involved is always welcome 🙂

    1. There’s quite a few little paths near us that I’ve yet to explore – it is fun to see where they lead 🙂

    1. Thank you Elizabeth – definitely agree that the simplest things are sometimes the most fun 🙂

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