#365daysofgratitude is my challenge for 2017 to share one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. I took part in a similar challenge last year and loved it so am looking forward to continuing with it this year. Here are the things that I’ve been grateful for over the past week:
Day 71 – I am grateful for the Girls’ Brigade. We had a lovely day out with them yesterday and to see Jessica enjoying being part of the group and making friends brings me so much joy. They are such a lovely welcoming group. This morning at church parade Jessica’s Girls’ Brigade Captain received an award for 40 years’ service as an officer – 38 of which have been as Captain. She is an amazing lady and does a fabulous job running the Girls’ Brigade.
Day 72 – I am grateful for washing on the line, drying in the Spring sunshine.
Day 73 – I am grateful for Russian dolls – they kept Sophie amused for ages this afternoon.
Day 74 – I am grateful for being able to help raise awareness of fabulous charities who help children like Jessica. We’re in the April issue of Candis magazine sharing our story as part of their charity news update and fundraising appeal for Action Medical Research.
Day 75 – I am grateful for washi tape and toilet roll tubes. Sophie was very happy with her “nockulars.”
Day 76 – I am grateful for “a wild sleepover” at Chessington.
Day 77 – I am grateful for a fab day at Chessington, trying out the new Gruffalo Ride and getting to meet Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler to have our books signed!
Oh gosh, Chessington must have been amazing, a wild sleepover sounds great! And 40 years with the girls’ brigade is incredible!
It’s such a brilliant achievement – I knew she’d been Captain for a long time but I didn’t realise it was quite so long!