For three years, I have taken part in a daily gratitude challenge, sharing a photo of one thing I am thankful for each day on Instagram. There have been days when finding little things to be grateful for has been very easy to do and others when it has been incredibly hard. Life as a bereaved parent is quite a rollercoaster at times. There have been many moments when I don’t feel grateful for anything at all – just broken and bruised. However, looking for those little moments has helped me even on the darkest of days. Hard though it may be at times, I have always managed to find something to be thankful for.
My eldest daughter Jessica was an inspiration to me throughout her short life. She had so much strength and such a wonderful zest for life. Her godmother described her once as a “joy carrier” and it was the perfect description for her. She was a little ray of sunshine, full of smiles and gave joy to all who knew her. I am, and will always be, grateful to be her mummy. She taught me to enjoy the little moments and to make the most of everyday because tomorrow is never promised. I continue with this challenge in honour of my beautiful brave girl.
If you would like to join me in a daily gratitude challenge for 2019, do feel free to use the hashtag #LHBL365daysofgratitude2019 on Instagram so I can find your posts there.
Day 83 – I am grateful for our minister Nick’s time with our church. Today was Nick’s last regular service at our church and he will be very much missed. His first service was two days before Jessica’s arrival and he has been part of our family journey – welcoming Jessica to our church family; baptising Sophie and Thomas and sadly also leading Jessica’s funeral service. It is sad to think that our next minister will be someone who never knew Jessica
Day 84 – I am grateful for simple but effective craft ideas. Sophie loved making this lighthouse and I’ve shared how to make it on the blog today.
Day 85 – I am grateful for dribble bibs. We have two teeth through now at the bottom and I think the top ones are starting to make their presence felt judging from the way this little man rubs his fist on his gums. Can’t believe this little boy is 8 months old today.
Day 86 – I am grateful that today I felt able to play the piano for a little while. Music is one of the things that I’ve struggled with since Jessica died. The piano has barely been touched; I don’t sing around the house like I once did and I rarely feel able to sing bedtime songs to Sophie. But it was nice today to play for a few moments. Jessica loved the piano and I was just starting to teach her how to read music. She was so proud of being able to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on it and it was lovely to hear her. Happy memories.
Day 87 – I am grateful to be able to give blood again. Jessica needed several transfusions during her surgeries and stays on PICU. So thankful for the blood donors who helped us have the time we had with her.
Day 88 – I am grateful that Thomas enjoys going to Tiny Talk each week. Clever boy got a certificate this week for being able to do three signs now. ‘Milk’ is still the firm favourite!
Day 89 – I am grateful that Sophie had such a lovely day at Drusillas Park with her friends from Girls’ Brigade.