From the mouths of babes is a weekly linky which invites you to share a post, old or new, about something your children have said. Perhaps they have just started babbling for the first time, or said their first definite word. It could be something cute, or funny, or incredibly embarrassing – whatever it is, I’d love to hear all about it.
Thank you so much to everyone who linked up last week – I really enjoyed reading all your posts about the things that your little ones have been saying – the embarrassing and funny things and the adorable moments. I loved Glimmer of Hope’s post with her son’s knock-knock joke about yogurt and Writing Bubble sharing her two year old singing ‘hatta doofay’ to himself was just adorable.
Sophie’s speech has been coming on leaps and bounds lately. She chatters away to herself most of the time whilst playing and whilst a lot of it still sounds like babble to the untrained ear, I can hear the words she is trying to say and we get the odd sentences here and there – such as “I want get down” and “I want telly” (whilst reaching for the remote control). She also has some adorably bossy moments telling Jessica a few times to “get down!” when Jessica is climbing up on the sofa. Admittedly it’s usually the other way round (Sophie is a monkey for trying to climb everything) but it is funny to see it when Sophie starts to be the bossy one!
In the last week, Sophie has started saying her name – which she pronounces as “Doe-fee” and we have had one rather adorable “Doe-fee-woo!” when she has repeated her nickname (Sophie-woo – not quite sure where that nickname came from, but I’ve been calling her that almost from birth!). We also get a rather cute “mwah!” which is said with gusto whenever she gives out kisses and “dank-oo” (thank you). My favourite at the moment though is “na-nu” (love you) which makes me think of Mork and Mindy!
If you’d like to share your posts about something your children have said (or sung!), then please add the badge code below and link up with me. The linky opens each Monday from 6am and closes on Friday at 11pm so there is plenty of time to link up your posts (old and new posts are welcome!). I will also try and share posts via Twitter – please use the hashtag #ftmob and I’ll do my best to retweet them. I also have a Pinterest board and will be sharing posts here too.
Look forward to hearing what your little ones have been saying.

Awe so cute, love Na-nu lol gorgeous!
Thank you – it is adorable! 🙂
Aww, this is so cute, I love ‘na-nu’ hehe. Adroable.
It’s also hilarious that Sophie tells Jessica to get down!
Thanks again for hosting, I really do love this linky, it always brightens up a Monday!
Thanks Jenni – so glad you like the linky – I love reading your posts about the things that Boo says 🙂
Sooo sweet when they first start chattering away, I can’t wait for Freddy to properly talk… he says mumma but that’s about it at the mo. Nanu – too gorgeous xx
Thank you – nanu is probably my favourite of Sophie’s phrases at the moment 🙂
Ooòh how darling is she xx
Thank you 🙂
“Doe-fee”‘s language is adorable! I love ‘Na-nu’. She’s doing well to already be putting together sentences. xx
Clever girl Doe-fee-woo!
she is adorable 🙂
Thanks for hosting x
Thank you – lovely to have you linking up 🙂
Aww it’s fab when they start learning new words and copying things you say! My toddler likes to tell the baby off, im sure she will get her own back when she’s bigger too!
I’m sure she will! 🙂
Thanks very much for the mention. I am sorry I havent had a chance to join this week but I have something next week already!
Doe fee woo sounds so cute! My son’s name is Sebastian but hes got this thing he calls himself Seb Go! I think its his superhero version =P
I love Seb Go – definite a superhero name! No problems re not linking up this week, there’s never any pressure – always lovely to have you if and when you have a post that fits